
I am sure plenty of people have thought of this, then realized that food burning to the hotter than normal sides of the pan and having to clean between the fins was not worth saving a minute of time in cooking. Especially in on stainless steel when the sides of a pan get too hot food burns and sticks, since the oil

"It's getting increasingly difficult to feed humanity's seven billion-plus mouths, especially as climate change begins to wreak havoc on the world's staple crop supplies."

"...a rapidly warming planet..."

The NYPD then proceded to tazer the drone and beat it with clubs until it was dead, saying, "Grunk saw bird. Grunk say bird is good food. But, bird too boney. Not enough to go around."

Only chemistry students? How about anyone with an IQ above room temperature?

I read something entirely different...
"shove it up your ........"

I don't know why....

The problem with patent reform is that it really is rock and a hard place time. Big pharma (an industry that I've worked in for around 10 years in the technology arena) spends BILLIONS on developing and seeking approval for medications - even the recent cut in terms of patent length makes it INCREDIBLY difficult for

Hands down Game of the Year for 2014.

We will have only ourselves to blame.

It would have to travel BACK in time, dammit!

school teaches social skills and respect for authority. Sometimes you hate your boss (the teacher) and sometimes you deal with bullies (dumb bitches who don't like you or try to get you fired)

Now playing

Actually this is not true. While it is true that most plants and trees do breath in CO2 and produce oxygen during the daytime, at night they do the opposite. Thus the amount of oxygen that they produce as a whole is negligible. What actually produces the majority of oxygen that humans around the world breath on a day

Its Offical

At least they're throwing money into a useless certification instead of updating the PS2-era vehicle models for their non-premium cars.

What place are you getting into with a baggie of white powder?

Glad already makes this.

Actually the debate should be about the results of 'climate change'. The hyperbolic disaster fantasy scenarios being presented are not science, they are conjecture. And conjecture isn't science.

Wow...did you reply to the wrong person, because your response makes no sense regarding what I said. I wasn't offended by anything. Put off by the author's etiquette, but not offended. Also, I'm not a climate change denier, quite the opposite. I am, however, a decent human being who could understand how people