
I don't recall LHC doing anything with neutrinos. Because neutrinos are electrically neutral you really can't send them around an accelerator loop. They'll go in a straight line, only very rarely interacting with anything. What they're talking about here would be two separate facilities without any sort of tunnel

TLDR (don't be offended, I'm lazy)

Post people this is aimed at don't have the time left to read all this.


Can we ask for some article overview or summary by the end/beginning of such long reads? It helps...

I would eat the shit of that waffle burger.

Very nice, but it needs a glass bottom.

Kind of pointless if it makes everywhere the same elevation.

he stole "know how"?

Why do they insist on doing this? (I'm talking to you vegetarians) There is no burger in this burger, therefore it is not and should not be called a burger! I don't get the point. You should be happy and proud to call it a veggie sandwich with no meat. To me it's like buying bicycle for all the positive reasons then

there is nothing about this that is delicious or yummy.

That is the most disgusting burger I have ever seen.
Not only does it have no meat on it, but it looks like it it was in a sink for a week, covered in mold.

What would be interesting is to have both wear the Rift and play as the OTHER person...

That 4k monitor though. It's rather that or the Oculus Rift dk2, such confliction. Wow.

I work with satellite cells and this is how they work:

Yea Marvel needs to get ahold of this license too... 'I want to see some Spiderman in my Avengers.. I mean how the hell is NY destroyed and Spiderman doesn't show up at all..

Probably hasn't been discovered before because no parent has ever actually set it up for their kids.

They purchase phone records from carriers. Google has been trying to lock them out of all their systems, and is actually fighting back. Unlike AT&T and the rest of those greedy pigs.