
To no one's surprise, Utah doesn't watch porn.

for the apparently-18GB game.

Well said. Stop whining about the advance of technology. I'm looking forward to it. I wish MS had stuck to their guns from the beginning. Sure there would be a little fall out in the beginning, but their ideas had legs and in the 7-10 year console marathon, I think they would have easily surpassed Sony once everyone

I'm with you on this one. Honestly, I was happy with the original product and quite excited for the doors it opened up. The changes haven't necessarily put a damper on my plans to purchase an XBO but I can't necessarily say they're universally positive. Whatever though, everybody likes to bitch about the XBO and MS,

Here's a Veyron spec race series.

I'm sorry, but the front end on this is SO BAD. I've seen more expensive looking front ends from aftermarket tuners. If this is what Spyker is banking on, sell you stock now, folks.

If you're ignoring your wife being on your car, that's a whole other kettle of fish.

what a letdown... and hear i thought a full fledged console/pc game was being created. most gamers don't give a fuck about mobile racing. shame.

When you said "cramped rear seats" I translated that for you: "padded area to store legless children"

its not like vacuum lines or rubber seals on your car go bad every 30 years or so.

So they want to replace the sound of the internal combustion engine with shitty new age jazz? No thank you.

Why does 43 electric cars on a track sound like Elevator music?

I pee in my pool all the time. This "chemical" is a story started to keep kids from peeing in pools.

There are reports of one about 13.8 billion years ago.

So it doesn't "run on water", it runs on sunlight or mains electricity via USB. The water-hydrogen-water cycle is just a kind of battery that stores energy that comes from somewhere else.

This is going right from the Magic Kingdom to the Adult Entertainment Industry.

Uh, yeah, Kinect 2.0 can monitor multiple people's stress levels and heart rate just by looking at their skin from across a room, while sony's [FAILED] attempt at stress monitoring method was to gauge a person's hand sweat level...... Ha ha ha! (what about people who dont sweat very much or people who suffer from

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