
Interesting, I have never heard that argument before. I shall counter it like this. Would you actually want to work for an employer who has actually taken the steps to figure out your sexual preference? If you are ever declined a job because you are gay, it is probably for the best, simply because you won't have to

I really want to love this game. But half the time when I switch between cities in a region I lose all progress. It has been over a month since release! Why aren't these issues being addressed?

Oh my god that sounds amazingly similar to a Ducati V twin. Love it!

Ahh, yes, this is very true, I forgot about that.

What the hell are the guys on Top Gear thinking, saying this car has no styling? It's gorgeous. Sure, it looks a lot like a Ferrari from the front, but is that such a bad thing? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all, and I am FAR from a Chrysler fan. But I just don't see their angle here.

I thought everything was bigger in Texas? Hmm...

Dear NYT: I just made your new Fashion section logo. Please send a money order for $3,100.