You should do some reading to find out what fascism is. Modern China is pretty damn fascist.
You should do some reading to find out what fascism is. Modern China is pretty damn fascist.
No? You lack the ability to define what you hate. Hmm actually this checks out. If you don’t define what fascism is, you can say anyone you hate is fascist and thus have the privilege to punch them.
Can you define fascism?
Modern China is fascist. Yet most antifa members hold China in higher regard than modern USA.
Check out these tweets from verified users.
That is a great image to admit to TDS.
Years long investigations? You mean the investigation that was dropped before Trump won the presidency? Meanwhile the russian collusion probe ticks on.
Cohen says it was a crime. But the act happened before he even submitted himself as a political candidate.
Rahhh someone breaking up the echo chamber, must kill him.
Oh I get it, ICE is good so long as it ignores special interest groups. Namely, women, cripples, children, the elderly, muslims, jews, lgbtq+, furries, necros, etc.
I slightly disagree. If the USA abandoned the dollar, there is a chance that the banks/etc might latch onto this chance to double down on the dollar. Its value as wealth insurance could skyrocket as there would no longer be anyone capable of inflating the currency.
An individual can print as much money as they like. The amount of bitcoin generated is limited by a commonly agreed upon metric.
Can you elaborate on this powerful economy point? If bitcoin or some other crypto becomes the new gold standard, wouldn’t this point support why crypto is superior?
Freedom to break the law and commit assault.
Lol way to win support for your cause.
And when Nazi’s don’t show up, attack the police or NBC reporters whilst calling them fascists.
Sharia law or feminism?
I think you need to take off the pink sunglasses then. Because the article clearly states democrats were not willing to move ahead with any DACA proposal that included border security measures.