
It took me two times reading this before I realized I didn’t recoil at the phrase “President Trump.” If we can normalize that, we can normalize any old bullshit.

What if, I’m just spit balling here, we came up with ways to identify these soulless golems? Maybe a blue sheriff star? That way the general public would know if they were dealing with a human or a godless monster sent from the darkest pits of hell to control our banks and media while also planting fake dinosaur bones.

CNN has actually been more embarrassing than Fox News for years now. At least with Fox you know what you’re in for. On CNN, the host of an ostensibly “respectable” program will ask a Cosby victim why she didn’t bite his dick off.

Hey, they’re just asking questions. Other questions to be asked:

It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think

Thought the lions were gonna start fucking.

I have no idea what a fair assessment of Strong’s performance as coach is. But if college football were what it pretends to be, wouldn’t this basically be validation that he was having a positive impact in a lot of young student’s lives and, therefore, should be kept around?

Kris Kobach is a man with a PhD from Oxford and a JD from Yale. He’s not dumb enough to think voter fraud is a thing; he’s smart enough to know he can trick people into thinking that voter fraud is a thing so he can kneecap his political opposition.

I’m a Fed scientist at the USDA. We’ve had steady growth since a reorganization of 2008 (while others had layoffs) and finally started hiring again in the past year and a half. I don’t know what this does but the heads say the outlook is not good.

Hi. White male here. Also raised in the burbs. Been pulled over many times and have been extended every courtesy. Most of the time the cops have called me sir and let me off with a warning. Also most times I had weed in my car. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a cop with his hand on his weapon before.

/sad trombone

If you were black you wouldn’t have been pulled over that many times because one of them would have shot you already.

Yes, a Whirlpool heiress and engaged to a man with a $200M contract. Many of us are fucked. She is not.

And now it’s never, ever coming back.

Meanwhile at one point 3 years ago the Tigers had Verlander, Porcello, AND Scherzer in the same rotation and we still couldn’t win shit.

In the cop’s defense? No defense for that. Except we are now in Trump’s America. Every racist is emboldened.

Hey Kate, your boy,Trump, won the Presidential election so we’re all fucked. See how things work out?

Future news:
Cleveland browns sign Deer from Facebook video to play middle line backer.

Oh, dear. No... I mean dear. No! I mean DEAR!!! Ah, forget it. I hate my phone.