
The man failed miserably selling gambling, football, and steak.

I was thinking he was talking about getting hair plugs on his face and neck, as that man cannot grow face hair.

I remember arguing a long while back about Brian Matusz being a better pitching prospect than MadBum. Orioles fandom is painful sometimes

People won’t be as upset about this when they realize he was planning to use all the parts of any Buffalo he got.

Berman: Beh. Burrrr. Bahh. BEEEHHHH

In fairness when they yell “go back to your country” Toronto fans usually mean America.

My favorite thing about this piece is how little Barry is gonna have to change it tomorrow. Just do a find all on “Showalter,” replace it with “Collins,” and make a few other tweaks. Like presumably Eric Campbell hits for Jay Bruce in a big spot because, you know, “I thought Soup was due. It didn’t work out.”

Thank you for participating.

I am sure it has been suggested in this space before, but teeing this up for the upcoming Knicks’ season seems like the logical next step here.

I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided “spin” that followed. This despite the really bad microphone.

Damn, son. +1

Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.

You’d think the best baseball players in the world would have that skill handy, but then again, if they did... the shift wouldn’t be a thing. It seems the answer is in fact, no.. no he doesn’t.

“My nasal cavities are yuge, just tremendous nasal cavities. They’re unbelievable cavities, the best, really. Just wait, you’re gonna love ‘em. They’re such great nasal cavities that, unfortunately, the slightest sound of air passing through them is picked up by a broken microphone. That’s the microphone’s fault.

“I hate how they knew what I was going to do and how I did the thing they they knew I was going to do.”

If I had a superpower it would be to teleport people who say heinous shit from behind the comfort of comment boards to physically in front of the people or person they’re targeting with an audience watching.

In the Fab 5 30 for 30 doc there’s a section where Steve Fuscher shows letters he got from Michigan alums using at same language. It’s not about intelligence, its about worldview

funny how the reactions to players’ protests just prove the god damn point they’re trying to make

I was trying to think of something clever to say but fuck it. Good for Rose-Ivey and the others. The statements they got sent to them are the reason they need to kneel in the first place. Best of luck to them.