
That’s exactly what I thought when I owned the Mk6. For me, the mk6 will remain the prettiest iteration. I still got the Mk7, and it was a clear improvement in every way. I am sure it will be the same with the 8.

Tesla certainly could make sure there’s a driver in the right spot, looking at the road. But they don’t. It’s intentional.

Teslabjorn is gonna like this.

This concepts looks like it’s behind Mercedes’ actual product that’s being delivered this year, the EQS.

Youtube is a cancer.

Oh no. So sad.

That’s considered normal cruising between Munich (BMW HQ) and the Alps (ski slopes) on a weekend. Minus the cocaine.

Volkswagen has never been the leading innovator. They watch what others do, scale it up and execute. That’s their thing.

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.

lol @ Jalopnik.

TSLA stock is a bubble for sure. No question about it. But so is most of the stock market. The point is: just because it’s a bubble, it doesn’t mean it’s going to pop anytime soon.


About 10 737Maxes would need to crash EVERY DAY to compete with Covid-19. Let that sink in.

All it takes is a sufficient number of people listening to ARK. That will propel the price. If people listened to the accountants, things would be different.

Tesla is overvalued. But so is the entire stock market. Since the shutdown bottom, basically everything has doubled. Everything is overvalued. eUnless, of course, you factor in that money is losing value at some point. In other words, inflation is coming at some point. There is just too much debt, especially

Next level: Let BMW and Jeep use GPT3 to respond ...

I’m not cybertruck fan, but this is just a lot of BS.

I do like the friendly look, too.

It’s ok to be amateur. You’re not only an amateur driver, you’re also an amateur journalist. That’s ok.

Walter Röhrl was a chauffeur for some clerics before his racing career. Apparently, he was going pretty fast. However, this really looks dangerous.