Red Cardinal

Have to agree. I have yet to see an older Camry without a dent in that area. Maybe there is no backing plate there and that is why they dent there.

I would say 2,563,897 total 

I am surprised that John Deere hasn't been sued into oblivion for that, but farmers don't have the time or money for that 

They also made those rewinders in 57 Chevy models and 65 Mustang fastback.

I forgot about this. Then I went to ebay and people are asking for Ferrari prices for a middle of the road five year old laptop with Windows Xp.

Mostly at night when they don't realize they have their bright lights on.

The Black Hole was really creepy. Especially how it ended. The red robot was just scary when I was a kid and the lighting and music of the movie made it like a horror movie instead of a sci-fi film.

How about buying a used car instead. Why do we have to have to have a new car.  

Every time I see the Rimac I wish it was the C8 Corvette.  Instead I scroll down and see the real thing and sigh 

Domino's is crap.  They have started cheaping out on sauce, toppings, and cheese.  It reminds me of one of those really cheap dollar store pizzas.

Everybody always makes a big deal about Tom Cruise on his motorcycle in Top Gun, but I love the Porsche Speedster Kelly McGillis drove.

You couldn't even take a good photo of the the beast.  It's all bits and pieces trying not to show the whole thing.  When you do show the car it is not close up.  Your opinion may have changed but it is still ugly.

Road to Perdition is such a classic.  It is a shame with all the Oscar nomination it got there wasn't one for Paul Newman.  He was great in this film.

Would you be able to replace a busted motherboard with one of these or a pc on a stick. My goal would be to take my brother's Inspiron Duo with a bad motherboard and install the raspberry or one of the stick pcs. Is this doable?