
So men are jerks when they don’t do anything to help raise their kids. But are also jerks when they get lauded for taking the (Admittedly) small steps that you’re saying men should take. Again, not how I’d approach the situation, but I hope it works out for you.

Seriously. Let’s not celebrate a man going against the standard and spending more time with their new child? If it was the norm then I would understand, but until then we SHOULD be celebrating it, writing about it, etc to help it become the norm.

Yeah. I’m not sure this article has it right. My opinion is—if taking paternity leave is seen as the norm, it won’t be as shocking/“disruptive” when women take maternity leave.   Of course, I also want to see laws passed to pay for paternity leave, etc.

Progress if not perfect is bad....?

This is a shit take. Yes, let’s discourage workers’ rights because not all groups have equal access to it. This is exactly how conservatives argue against all types of labor protections, including affirmative action. With how overworked Americans are, it’s galling that you’d argue against any workers NOT taking as

“we want men to change their behavior” but also “stop encouraging men to change their behavior”. Doesn’t seem like the way to go about it. 

It’s much better if you unwind the paperclip and wrap a condom around the sharp end. You fill the condom with chili oil and blindly stab the paperclip into your ear as deep as you can get it. Once the condom full of chili oil ruptures, proceed to stab the paperclip into your ear 4-5 more times to make certain there’s

No it’s not. We’re talking about 2001, not 1951. I was 18 in 2001, and I remember going to a friend’s house after school and she wanted to watch this old Bing Crosby movie, “Holiday Inn”. Towards the end of the movie, there’s a minstrel show where all the performers are in blackface, and I remember even then, WAY

*Extremely David Attenbrough voice*

Sadly, every ship’s mate has sailed.

for once, red really was scientifically the fastest color.


>>I will never, ever be mad at any kind of social media personality for taking advantage of a market.<<

Man, late 90s, early 2000s, there were girls, heck, even websites full of girls, who would chat in their undies on these new-fangled things called webcams and make money.

They had “wish lists” people (dudes) would buy them things off of.

Crazy world, eh?

Celebrating shit people is how we got trump.

Ding ding ding ding.

Yup. We can all make jokes, but it’s really happening. This is how the Nazis were born.

That’s how it was done in the USSR.

I believe his daughter if she says her father didn’t own a gun.