
They're just being all Old Testament, a Lot.

>>"but they live suuuuchh wholesome lifestyles."<<


Oh come one now, let's leave the ultra-orthodox crazies alone.

Not only that, but salmon being a *carnivorous* fish they CANNOT survive on a diet of only spirulina.

I'm kinda going to have to go with the customers from the second story (the 16oz beers and wild salmon one).

That really could be anyone in that photo though, as you can't see her face.

>>...we white people always seem to accuse the people we force (whether literally or through dearth of alternative employment) to do our most difficult, menial tasks of laziness...<<

>>...we don't have any problems at all with what words you are using. our problems are with the ideas you are expressing.<<

It's easier than that. You need 3 layers (everywhere):

I'm Canadian, and I wouldn't bloody bow or curtsy either. Screw that.

Good. "Royal Protocol" is unadulterated bullshit.

>>if you yanks can't be bothered to dress for your own bloody head of state, well...<<

Yeah, because one potentially false accusation means that frats aren't rape factories, and their indictment as such is *totally null and void*.

Autotune is why we can't have nice things.

I thought Pippy Longstocking was Swiss, not Swedish, did I miss something?!?

On the other hand, they can protect the gene pool from the stupid.

>>A gun safety course should be mandatory before you can buy a gun<<

Yeah, seriously, I don't blame him one bit. Some fucking moron was waving a loaded gun at his head with the safety off and their finger on the trigger.

It was no "accident". For it to fire she had to have had the safety off, a bullet in the chamber and her finger on the trigger. That's three levels of stupid already.