
"How do we know that all the people that do this wouldn't be affected by the knowledge that their crime could result in life in prison due to being in the air?"

"I don't see why stating the obvious is a bad thing."

I'm pretty sure there is no appeal for women in these books.

"Why wouldn't you be okay with warning people not to harm others?"

Totally. And the prose is crap too. I can't see why anyone would actually even read this stuff, it's basically just gross indulgence of malsocial, pre-pubescent boys fantasies.

People that don't behave this way don't need a warning that this kind of behaviour is wrong - they already know.

As a straight man, I've never understood why assholes do this kind of shit either, but they do.

Yes, and behaviour like this is seen as pretty normal in high school locker rooms. Anyone else see a problem with this?

Of course it does. Men are socialized to establish their social order through violence and abuse, and when this is questioned we're given some excuse like "that's life" or "that's just they way it is" or "stick it out".