Came here to say that. I agree. Straight cut gears make no difference whatsoever in the engagement of the gear to output.
Came here to say that. I agree. Straight cut gears make no difference whatsoever in the engagement of the gear to output.
I would be salty too if I drove a Chrysler.
Pfft, who says you have to look back to go in reverse?
“Also, with straight-cut gears, you don’t need any synchronizers for the gears,”
Were your only options a pink bicycle with tassels and training wheels or a Prius?
Came here to say this, if you paid close to or over 7 figures for a 911R you deserve it.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of everyone who payed too much for a 911 R crying.
You’ve seen one side view photo. Put down the revolver.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
Completely untrue. There are some great attorneys that do public interest work, where they make nothing, but have the job because they do work that actually makes a difference in the world.
A hundred times this. I’m German and that’s just the worst. I make an effort not to correct people on the internet (because, what’s the point?), but sometimes I just can’t hold it. It’s totally fine to say “Porch” IMO, even though it’s wrong. It’s obviously hard for somebody who did not grow up in a DACH country to…
The motorcycles are Beemers, you drive a Bimmer.
Only when summering in France.
Don’t you mean a “Bay - Em - Vay?”
Let’s be honest. The real crime here is calling that neon a “blue sports car”
Interestingly, there are things that happened 30 years ago that we don’t know!
I, for one, am interested in learning new information as it is discovered.
I would do sex things for that car.
Its an me.