
And what certain age is that? I saw Gloria Steinem speak on cspan and she said, “women become more feminist as they age as they lose power over men and they start noticing how men get paid more and do less around the house.” I am a man, but it seems to me that if it ever makes sense for a woman to be “complicit with

I can’t agree with this statement : “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or an inappropriate comment about her appearance, and I will show you a rare spotted owl.”


Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days...That’s an average of more than 5.6 claims a day.

In today’s Code 45*, El Jefe Calabaza Anaranjada dabbles in a little exposition of his psyche. He very simply tells us how he would be characterized according to a Heckhausenian/Schulzian life-span theory typology:

Are you kidding? I liked Hillary, but her time is over. It’s time to get someone new. 2018 is going to be the democrats to lose, and assuming they don’t act like complete idiots, maybe we can get a decent majority in congress. It’s time to start getting new candidates ready for running in 2020.

Fun fact! It’s not just Spicer who’s said that; that Trump’s tweets are “Official Statements” is the actual position of the Government. They had to say so during some of the travel ban arguments.

I LOVE that his reckless, stupid tweeting is being used against him. Love love love.

What does the fox say? (Don’t worry I’ll see myself out now)

Seriously, if this person is the love of your life and this HAS TO HAPPEN, then find a new job. No one is anti-love, anti-consensual sex, anti-Jim-and-Pam for god’s sake. But the power dynamic you described is the problem. And the conflicts that are going to arise if the affair goes on and he remains her superior...

I’d argue sexual violence is more likely among sexual puritans. Sexual puritans are by definition less sexually liberated/emancipated and view sexuality as mostly being within the male domain. The ‘I bet she was asking for it’ victim blaming argumentation gets more acceptance the more puritanical a society is.

Translation: “This happened to me and I don’t want to think that I was a victim so I pretend its fine”

Translation: “I was an attractive, wealthy woman who made the patriarchy work for me, and I don’t like seeing that status quo challenged.”

I’m of French descent, with many French exes, an an estranged French husband, and can confidently say this is largely cultural. “Seduction” is the norm, and any cry against it should be silenced. I’ve been told multiple times that if I allow myself to become cold to these kinds of advances, I will end up bitter and

Or the career of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who — but for an assaulted Hotel maid in NYC — would have spent time living in Elysee Palace.

I don’t know about social class, but I do think a lot of women over a certain age are having a problem simply because in their generation, it was just how it was. And if something happened, they didn’t and wouldn’t have even thought about saying anything, because society wouldn’t have cared if it did. Or blamed them.

In which France, having spent decades tut-tutting Americans for being sexual Puritans, experiences the cognitive dissonance that comes with being confronted by the fact that its culture of “seduction” almost always is accompanied by hefty doses of power imbalances.

I wonder if part of this is about women who would rather believe they were seduced than assaulted. It’s often easier to act like you were a willing participant than accept the reality. And if you are a woman of a certain age, it had to be damn near impossible to escape predators.

There are always Serena Joys willing to throw other women under the bus for their place in the patriarchy. Nothing’s changed. Cool girls abound.

What’s more romantic than watching your boss jerk off into a plant??? American women JUST DON’T GET IT!