
Im not really sure Bravely Default's target audience is kids.

I actually quite liked it. I really liked to spot the differences in the world, the little changes. Not to mention it is not as tedious as it appeared to be, since later worlds condense the experience a lot (not to mention, this is where the random encounter slider also comes in handy).

By the way, to be clear once and for all. They're not just "avoidable just as much as most games", they're entirely pointless, because if you play the game normally, including the Norende Village minigame (which you should, because it gives you great gear), you will automatically refill those SP points (should you

No, you don't need to buy it, ever.

There is no double standard, because I also do not deride western games for sexualized females, or rather, I'm consistent.

You are not wrong about that, but since it's mostly been such a trope, I just don't find much sexualization in it anymore. Sexualization sort of wears out with time, I guess. Things that were shockingly sexy decades ago are like nothing to be shocked about today.

Because they're completely irrelevant.

Im not sure why you're an expertise on child bikinis, but I certainly have seen "more naked" children everywhere on the beaches of the world.

I don't know, when I see that I see a typical superheroine costume, not something deliberately sexualized.

No, let me illustrate: nowadays we have a culture where there is simply too much oversensitivity towards pedophilia, so things that are not in itself pedophile at all get the pedophile tag.

What about children without any swimsuit on beaches? It's only the US that has such a strange obsession with pedophilia.

You see children less clothed on beaches all around the world.

Yeah but if it were vice versa, the women would be covered up head to toe, and we'd be in Saudi-Arabia, also not exactly a place with gender equality...

That seems like an irrational decision...

Since SEGA is probably going to be the publisher, I'd say yes, the SEGA logo will be shown.

Honestly, I thought public transportation (especially Tokyo Metro and JR lines, buses not so much) were pretty easy even if you only understand english.

Maybe it's in actual realtime. As in, actually 72 hours.

Shalebridge Cradle from Thief 3. Nuff said.

I was exactly thinking of that level!

Dishonored lacked the horror elements though. I swear Thief 1-3 had some of the scariest missions in game history.