
It's a technical thing.

Well, Ocarina of Time as a remake of a classic on 3DS is sorta equivalent to Wind Waker HD (also a remake of a classic).

Technically speaking, the GBA is 32-bit though. Though graphically it's in the style that everybody calls "16-bit style".

It is free.

I doubt it, but ok :)

I do assume she washes her mouth regularly. So, it's just psychological in your case (cause if even if you're worried about STDs/STIs, there are ways for protection).

If you're scared of STDs and STIs, there are ways for protection. Even though a blowjob with a condom seems somewhat lame, but it's still an option.

You assuming all restaurants in foreign countries bastardize their home country's cuisine is premature at best.

There are very good job leveling spots rather early, around Florem (the like 3rd city in the game). Monster groups there drop 30-40 JP. Just put your encounter slider at MAX, and walk around a bit (the enemies are also easy, so you can just auto them by setting each to 4x Brave and then Attack-spam). In a few minutes

I preferred Skyward Sword in terms of controls way over the other 3D Zeldas. Mainly because for some reason, the camera and especially automatic jumps (which I hate) didn't do exactly the opposite of what I wanted it to do 50% of the time...

It could work. When you think chocolate, you automatically think "sweet", but what if they used a darker chocolate that has less sweetness, it could combine quite well with mustard (especially since there are very awesome sweet variants of mustard too).

British spies?

The older games (on 3DS) aren't the problem, they're still selling like hotcakes.

Well they claim it's chinese cuisine, which it isn't :)

Hm, how about ripping off classical chinese stuff and traditions, and cuisine?

I also really liked the synth rock style tracks on planets in the original Star Fox. Mostly my dislike was in Star Fox 64, when the Corneria theme was trying to be orchestrally epic, but didn't nearly sound as epic as the orchestral tracks from the original Star Fox (on an inferior machine!), but rather cheap, in a

I guess that's why a few american warships and at least one US aircraft carrier is patrolling near the Taiwan Strait at any time since the last few decades, eh?

In Taiwan they have obligatory military service for all males that reach age 18. I think you have to serve 3 years in military. So you have to join no matter what.

Per capita, the Taiwanese military is really well equipped, and also Taiwan has a defense contract with the US - meaning if China should really take Taiwan by force, the US is by contract obligated to defend Taiwan.

I disagree, I hated Star Fox 64's soundtrack for some reason, especially I felt the soundtrack was a downgrade to the original's...