
It seems by now at my age (34), Nintendo stuff is actually the ONLY thing that gets me excited anymore.

Im probably one of the few people who didnt like Mario 64 because of the constant retreading old ground... I prefered the Galaxy games, where you would still enter the same level multiple times, but it would still be different enough to be counted as "different level".

Looks really good, but I kind of really miss the epicness (including orchestral score) of the Galaxy games...

Would you have preferred it to be called "Super Mario 2D World"?

Well, I guess most of those use an "improper" tone curve, so you could just as well say "Improperly used Curves Effect". You can get many of the ugly "false colors" looks even in SDR images by abusing the Curves filter.

HDR isn't an "effect", it's just combining multiple exposures.

Can be multiple exposure too. And not necessarily Photoshop, just RAW development.

I think it's not gonna be a "random Mii" if you've created one for everyone you play. And that really adds something, it was already really fun in WarioWare on Wii to see yourself as Mii in some of the games.

I think it's not gonna be a "random Mii" if you've created one for everyone you play. And that really adds something, it was already really fun in WarioWare on Wii to see yourself as Mii in some of the games.

Where would the money come from? Even non-indie studios don't have a couple million just floating around.

Where would the money come from? Even non-indie studios don't have a couple million just floating around.

With Capcom's love for all kinds of "VS" crossovers, I'm sure there will be a "Megaman VS Mighty No. 9" one day, within the next 10 years.

Turn down the voice volume.

Sounds weird and uncompelling, but I have a certain trust in Nintendo that this is going to be used in a fresh and actually great innovative way that they haven't told us yet.

Well, then, instead of writing so much useless text, give us the evidence that shows you to be "100% undeniably right".

First of all, the revolutionary new thing about the Oculus is that it does NOT strain your eyes like the older VR headsets.

I've noticed this quite often by now... do japanese people shake hands using their left hands more often?

Yes, because YOU too want to be referred to depending on your PERSON, rather than your GENITALS.

So, people's genitals are more important to you than their person/personality. Got it.

People having problems with referring to people by their gender identity and mistaking gender with "biological" sex (forgetting even that isn't clear cut in just two boxes), here's a little helper: