
Why? To cure the human compassion he does seem to have to make him an emotionless cold bastard?

It's not a matter of separating reality and games, it's a matter of imagery that reminds one of something unpleasant, which is an entirely valid point for "something ceasing to be entertaining".

No, that's not at all what he said.

The choice to choose the entertainment you want or don't want is also part of life.

His argument is simply that he doesn't find those games entertaining anymore and therefore doesn't play them, which is his f*ing damn right.

Whichever associations you draw is entirely personal. If someone actually follows your idea of Mario associated with falling from great heights and dying, then so be it; I won't criticize him for not playing Mario anymore.

Yeah yeah, still, Nintendo - except for a few notable exceptions such as Mother 3 - has actually been pretty good concerning localization politics. OK, I'm in Europe so we got Last Story and Xenoblade way before you 'murricans, but still.

It's not like NOA is preventing that.

You don't understand how the games industry works. NOA can't do anything about it, it's Square Enix (or whatever publisher/developer owns whatever game IP) who makes the decision.

Nothing NOA can do about that if the actual developer does not want to give them the property to publish.

Or maybe the world is more complicated than just two extreme boxes in which you can categorize people.

I saw no slam at all.

How is France or any of the mentioned european countries poor at all? They belong to the richest countries in the world!

Hitler loved dogs.

This IS video game news.

Wish we had it in Austria, which as far as McDonald's is concerned, usually has the same things as Germany (except in the ad campaigns here they leave the "I'm loving it" in english instead of german because apparently Germans don't understand english...).


Well, the rumour of retiring the Win32 API exists since the .NET framework has been introduced, but so far it hasn't happened. If the Win32 API is retired, there's still the .NET framework for desktop UI development. I really doubt they'd go MetroUI-only.

Personally I really dislike putting people into little boxes, and the conservative/progressive spectrum is pretty continuous rather than just black/white (also there are many issues which may then be mixed, for instance someone could be socially progressive/liberal but economically conservative).