
There is no way that is a real fact, right?

God damn that was a good looking goal. 

I never thought about that. I did notice that the MLB one was just “hit a pitch” not actually get a hit.

The real question: What percentage of people’s answers line up to the sport they played as a child?

He doesn’t remember the exact moment but he thinks he was just thinking to himself:

How they are just praying for it to end but Middleditch muscles through. Oh my god. Beautiful.

You know what I don’t understand? How do RV Sales Lots stay in business? They are selling these things for like.... $100,000-$500,000 and they have a lot full of them.  Did they purchase those outright and just have crazy deep pockets?  Are they on loan from the manufacturer?  How can they afford to stock $10,000,000

Also, this is his Wikipedia picture. I like this Giolito guy:

Twist Ip! Pull ip! Pass ip! BAPIP!

“Tell me how is the ball, just to know,” he asked.

This book includes factual stories and information about behind-the-scenes life at Disneyland. When I was obsessed with Disneyland I found it really, really interesting. The edition I purchased was back in the 90's so I’m not sure if it has been updated since then but it is for sure worth a read!

So it’s good to feel human. Obviously I don’t want to repeat that.”

These seats also can’t recline and I can’t decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Soggy bottoms indeed.

but there was a muscular stranger standing in front of a poster on the wall in our locker room. The poster had a drawing of a player in full uniform and indicated proper equipment protocol. 

Es muy bueno.

I can’t stop looking at the people in the background and analyzing how they’ve are interacting with the statues. 

To be fair, they made fun of him because he couldn’t fly 20 miles. The entire channel is only 22 miles across and it sounds like he missed the landing about halfway through.

That is uncanny.