
It still wasn’t invented by Toyota. We work on some aircraft with it in the cabin to reduce engine noise and it is the same technology that is in Noise Cancelling Headphones. Nothing really groundbreaking, just unique in that most cars don’t utilize it, probably because of the required multiple microphones/speakers

This is what the photographer walked into:

I can’t be the only one that thought wished Mr. Poopybutthole had a new outfit.

The programming isn’t doing them any favors. Dion Waters getting interrupted and then waiting an extra beat before responding. Eric Gordon trying to pump up his teammate after a great performance then turning away and sulking like a middle schooler who just got rejected asking a girl out.

And the crazy thing is... they had to have done at least 2 takes of everything... and somebody decided that these were the absolute best chance they had at making these people sound like normal human beings.

Uh oh, watch out. Now your reply is getting me all hot and bothered again.

I mean, I know that it can be used in a different context (“Ryan Gosling gets me all hot and bothered”) but I used it correctly.

Here is the thing most people don’t remember though... Five Guys didn’t have more than a handful of locations before 2003. Shake Shack didn’t have a location until 2004. In N Out was already along every major corridor in california.

Seriously.  That was the part that got me all hot and bothered.

Hey everyone, don’t worry. Fashion has chosen to address the issue head on in a far reaching comment.

Now playing

I guess their previous marketing tactic of “like going outside, but not!” didn’t work out:

I don’t know why they cut off the end of the original quote by that 13 year old:

My point is that, yes, they probably already do. Most people have probably granted permission to some company at some point that gave that up.

Holy shit. I never knew that the actor on Unreal looked so much like the guy he is based on.

I think that the Sci-Fi channel “documentary” really made it so some of my friends insisted it was real.  They would argue up and down that it was real due to that show.  Those people existed.  I had to talk to them.

I’m really hoping someone is going to respond with a clip of it actually happening....   Sigh.  I’ll keep waiting!

You act like they don’t already have all of the information they need.  This is the stupidest reply to this app going viral.

lol. I like how the bullpens for both teams are right next to each other at Angel Stadium so they basically run out side by side if there is a bench clearing. I’d rather see some relievers just go at it as a sideshow than wait until they are out of breath in the infield.

But... aren’t they just delayed it a year AND they get to make limited edition AD #3 jerseys? That argument doesn’t hold much water.