
Good catch. I was going off thumbnails and didn't realize there would be more than one per Vine. My bad! :)

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It isn't in the post, so here is a YouTube version.

That wedding ring tells me he is going to have a shitty night. Or he married someone with an awesome sense of humor. (But probably he is going to have a shitty night.)

the systems we had in place were inadequate to handle this unique and complex situation properly.

If you are interested in continuing the discussion read on. If not, I totally understand.

Surf Air has had guest passes in the past that they gave their subscribers so there are other options out there besides you becoming a member and you getting a free flight from their PR team. Thanks for clearing that up though.

That is the point R W and I are making... It shouldn't "go without saying" that she received a perk/benefit from a company that she then wrote an article about. In fact, the FTC has specific rules against it.

Elon has his own private jet.

Surf Air is running scheduled daily flights. NetJets is purely on-demand. Also, NetJets doesn't operate any small turbo-prop aircraft like this. All of their aircraft cost considerably more per flight-hour. Source: I work in general aviation and deal with both Surf Air and NetJets.

Jalopnik mentions when they are loaned a car to test drive. Just by saying that they are acknowledging that there was an agreement between the writer and the company. There doesn't seem to be any mention of that in this article...

Unless things have changed in the past year, they are operating under a Part 135 certificate. Even if they "promise" to adhere to Part 121 rules they aren't held to them.

Red hair + drunk + throwin' punches = Low hanging fruit.

Robert Carlyle??

I miss the cross-linking of referenced umpires to the awesome "Better Know An Umpire" series. Did you guys stop doing that because it is out of date at this point?

In my 6th grade math class some... jesus... 20-ish years ago we made fantasy baseball teams based on randomly passed out baseball cards and spinning wheels. It was cool as shit and my team got the "World Series."


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How does it feel to re-watch the SF SOTA Jam Box video from 1986? I know I'd have some mixed emotions of seeing video of myself during my high school years, staged or not.

Are you excited about performing in your hometown (San Francisco according to wikipedia) for Outside Lands in 2 weeks?

It is a parlay that Kheideria will score at any point AND the final score will be 7-1.