
I assume she meant there was no rape in Assange’s case, not that rape didn’t exist.

Always happy to agree with anything anti-CIA, even if I don’t see the relevance. 

I don’t think she was saying that no one has ever been raped.

The CIA are a fantastic bunch of people.

Please don’t refer to Bannon and cooze in the same conversation.

I mean, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Steve Bannon has a corrosive personality but this crosses over into “ai-eee-eee-eee” territory.

This is not outrage, this is amusement. And. no, Obama never melted a bathtub with acid. Perhaps you are thinking of yourself.

My theory: cover-up following an outta-control Alt-Right Be-In. I always said the guy was tripping.

Definitely came to mine.

My guess would be that much of the xenophobia permeating and emanating from the Trump administration has its roots in the existential dread Bannon suffers as the host of a xenomorph.

Thus far, he has been able to forestall its eruption from his sternum through the liberal application of alcoholic libations and sundry

The most puzzling thing about this is the reference to an ex wife-someone once married him?!

Someone mixes ammonia with chlorine. Even in a swimming pool it can kill you. He’s from Breitbart, who would want tooo....

Tried to dissolve a body in it?

This makes up for Paul Ryan , Ron Johnson and Scott Walker right? We’re all good now, m’kay?

Hey now we have more lakes than you but we don’t brag about it :)

Now playing

As a Swede I feel that the Wisconsinites needs to get introduced to “Brännvinsost”=Burnwhine-cheese (a.k.a. snaps-cheese).

No the best cheddar cheese is made in Wales. Yeah I said it. A month or so ago, we found Snowdonia Cheese. This is not sandwich cheese. This is “I don’t eat it while husband is at work because we made marriage vows and sharing is part of that” cheese. The extra aged black bomber was a revelation. The purest essence of

Cheese from the homeland is one of the few biggest things I miss living in the South, that and Kopp’s.