
What were your issues with Moore’s speech?

Gosh darn it, watch your fucking language!

Thanks, that’s really helpful. Think I still need a little help understanding it fully; I’ll do some googling today.

My only knock on the event itself was that it refused to include pro-life women.

Well said, but Michael Moore and Madonna are more important than you or I so they can threaten people and shout “fire” in a crowded theatre if they want to.

hmm, interesting. Thanks for that perspective. My guess is, because she’s Madonna. :P

Yeah, I was really disappointed in that one. Especially since most of the speeches were SO good and inclusive.


Kanye styles her. When they got together, he threw out ALL of her clothes. Apart from everything else, he might have vision problems, because he styles her as if she were tall and slim. Which she ain’t

I never really thought she ever looked pretty she just always looked fake though not as much as Kylie does now.

I still love a nude lip but this one is no bueno. Tom Ford makes beautiful ones that still give your lips some life.

Kanye styles her. The way they both talk about it has always creeped me out, because it feels very controlling. He turned her into his personal High Fashion Barbie.

I feel a little bad that I don’t feel more sorry for her, but it is hard to feel sorry for someone whose story has changed so many times from this original story. I know they want ratings, but don’t use everything in your life for a money grab/headlines. The original story was scary enough.

I think the nude/foundation colored lip is something that needs to be left in 2016. Who is she letting style her? Isn’t her whole thing that she’s supposed to be beautiful? I feel like every picture I see of her, it’s like her stylists are going out of their way to make me question that.

So what happens if a journalist in the room violates the off the record agreement? Maybe one of them is willing to fall on a sword...

I’m sick. I couldn’t finish reading this even.

And this is what passes for principled resistance.

Today I wore a Robocop shirt. I accomplished just as much, if not more, than these ‘journalists’.

Man those conde nasties are ice cold

Pretty overt gesture for the staff to wear white today. After all, it is quite a few months after Labor Day. Or, is that prohibition limited to white shoes?