Sigh. If only Kanye could’ve dressed up for the occasion.
Sigh. If only Kanye could’ve dressed up for the occasion.
I’m glad you issued a “warning” about reading the comments section. (I’d meant to but somehow forgot). Ezra’s gonna Ezra, but the women who contribute to that site are particularly awful excuses for human beings. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.
I only found out very recently that Canadian Heritage Minutes was the brainchild of Charles Bronfman — yes, one of those Bronfmans — stemming from his wish to start a Canadian legacy project as part of his philanthropic efforts. The first ones, a series of 13 in English and French, aired 25 years ago in 1991.
I had vaguely known of Viola Desmond but then that Heritage Minute came along and, subsequently, her name became one of the nominees for the newest Halifax-to-Dartmouth ferry, which is apparently a pretty big deal. For some reason, voting was open to non-Nova Scotians, so I participated and was delighted when she…
By pure coincidence, that welcoming ceremony at Toronto’s Pearson Airport occurred exactly one year ago today.
True, there’s not much I’d put past Kellie Leitch these days.
Who’d have thunk viewing that Trump/Romney photo in black-and-white could make it that. much. creepier?
Agreed, on all counts, but I’m so glad someone mentioned Song of Bernadette. Despite being a pretty lapsed Roman Catholic these days, I’ve always found the lyrics so moving and been in awe of how Leonard Cohen and Jennifer Warnes co-wrote a song about a troubled relationship while somehow weaving in the innocence and…
The KD Lang version is amaze balls.
Such an interesting back story to this album. Leonard Cohen returned to his geographical and spiritual roots for You Want It Darker — more specifically, the family synagogue in Montreal — enlisting the services of the cantor plus his choir for background vocals.
I couldn’t disagree more and the fact that you’ve referred to a soon-to-be 45-year-old man as “kid” speaks volumes as to where your head is at and, more than likely, your biases.
I reckon that if Justin Trudeau is even half as fearless and cocky as his father, there is hope or, conversely, no need to fret quite yet. Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Richard Nixon did not get along but much of it was due to Nixon’s paranoia plus the fact that PET did have a knack for getting under his skin. That’s…
I can relate. Had just gotten into the car when I heard the news and then sat there for a good 5-10 minutes wondering how I was gonna drive home. I made it but, oddly enough, I found my legs shaky when I got out of the car.
The tenors on You Want It Darker chanting “I am here” (in Hebrew) and Leonard Cohen’s reply: “I am ready, my Lord”........
Above and beyond the song itself, this video never fails to get to me, and can even make me weep when my guard is down. I could’ve done without the two young ‘uns but the other couples are so real, expressing such palpable devotion to each other, it’s all rather humbling.
I so agree with you with respect to Joan of Arc.. For me, it’s on par with Song of Bernadette, a song about a troubled relationship that “somehow” wove in the story of St. Bernadette of Lourdes.
You lucky thing! I never met him but spotted him on Montreal streets a few times -- as did countless others — over the years. He was quite the walker, as was Pierre Elliott Trudeau when he retired and moved back home. No matter how young you were, either sighting was swoon-worthy, in its own unique way.
Thanks so much, Megan, for pulling together such a wonderful tribute on such (presumably) tight turnaround time. Leonard Cohen was/is/and shall remain a national treasure here in Canada but his international reach was enormous and enduring.
He left a few hints in that letter to Marianne that he was not long for this life, but there’s also his just-released album and the title track You Want It Darker. Deciding to go back to his geographical and spiritual roots — more specifically, the family synagogue in Montreal — he enlisted the services of the cantor…