
What, Bunnicula doesn't count?

Making a personal sex tape is not the same thing as making a porn for public distribution, I can't blame her for that one. She says it was released without her consent, and I believe her.

So I followed the click-through of that link for the Irish Doublemints and yeah... basically, it's a blander version of what Gaga wore to meet the Queen of England, right? I want to support you zany Irish rappers! Be more original and kooky, please!

@Mellalune You know, Sailor Pluto always got the short end of the stick on Sailor Moon as well...

Can't be defeated if you quit!

Ok, in that case, I retract my original judgeyness. If nothing else, the Hilton sisters have kept any sibling disagreements and fights behind closed doors for the most part.

I can't decide if Nicky Hilton is being amazingly ironic or is completely devoid of any sense of irony...

Don't even hint at Serenity. I prefer to exist in a state-of-mind where that movie never happened. Never forget, Wash!

So it lingered on the shot of her ring the same way pregnancy test commercials tend to do with wedding bands. Was that supposed to be a promise ring or something similar? Perhaps I'm reading into this too much, but ads only have 30 seconds to make their point, so I assume every detail is scrutinized.

I sort of desperately love the (I assume) Spanish princess's pastel pink ensemble. Something about it just makes me think of the 1930s and like a really refined flapper. I mean this is the most complementary way. I love the whole thing.

Oh my sparkles, thank you! I don't know how I missed that, but I totally had that first action figure, although I was always more of a Donatello girl growing up...

Dare I ask, but is that slutty April O'Neil on the right?

Gracias! I promise to ignore my instincts and use my power for good not evil. Usually...

You dictated it to a man? First of all, what are you doing putting on shoes and leaving a kitchen?

All this did was remind me how much I disliked human Beast.

@hilikusopus: Daddy, how do you remove blood evidence?

Holy crap! Kristen Stewart appears to be trying to convey an emotion other than "sullen superiority". With this wide new range of 2 emotions, her career has no limits!

@hilikusopus: Doubles as a mace to use on unruly little brothers!

How is Bristol Palin an abstinence role model??

@Treeless: Cabbies I feel fall into a whole other rudeness rating scale, and New York cabbies are only beat by the evil that is the Parisian cabby. And I agree, New York is a mixed bag. I guess what I was trying to say is I find people much more approachable there (and happy to talk to you) than I have in any other