
Generally speaking, as a Bostonian, I found New Yorkers to be uber friendly and helpful. Especially to tourists. More so than Boston.

So, it's a Toy Story knock-off with a forced rom-com subplot? Don't look behind you, everyday inanimate objects coming to life!!

@BeckySharper: Oh my! I haven't been watching since I canceled my cable. What did he do to rightly deserve a drink in the face?

Why all this low-carb hate, Ginnifer? If people are ballooning the minute they eat a piece of bread, perhaps their body cannot process that bread and not eating it is eating right for them.

@countjackula: Maybe there using some sort of weird, metric conversion?

Don't get me wrong, I like pink things like nobodies business (exhibit a: my cookware), but I'm a fangirl first. My PSP is the Japanese KH edition.

@metronome49: Hmm, I need to read up on this because dry lips are one my skin problems. I'm trying to cut down on my toiletries and cosmetics and see if that has any effect.

@strideo: Your hair could be oily in response to constant stripping and drying because of shampooing. You might try weening yourself off, or if you have a couple weeks off from work and an anti-social staycation, quit cold turkey. I've been reading up on going no shampoo, and people say it takes about 2 weeks for

I've just started watching Supernatural on DVD (up to the Season 1 finale). It's been really hard to avoid the reviews of the current season on io9 to keep myself from getting spoiled, so I'm really psyched that once I do catch up I'll also have the anime to look forward to. :)

@sans_fi: Hello, where do you live that the fourth Indiana Jones movie didn't happen? I would like to move there, it sounds swell.

I don't think Alton would approve of the giant unitasker that is the pancake press. Or Batter Blaster - describes our product and the sympton you should be experiencing about 5 min after consuming!

@singing_femmebot: You make a really good point. If you're going to spend that much on pre-made, unfrosted cake rounds, canned icing, and spray decorators icing, you might as well buy a professionally decorated cake. If not, it's infinitely cheaper to make stuff from scratch than from her semi-homemade bullshit.

What I've always wondered is why Sandra Lee - or, I suppose Denise Vivaldo - refers to these as "recipes". At best, they're shopping lists.

Is it just me, or is the wardrobe choice here at a little Assassin's Creed: Unleashed?

@twophrasebark: Not true! In Lego Star Wars you can, in fact, kill Jar Jar.

He's got a little bit of an Edward "I like to watch you sleep" Cullen thing going.

@Claytons: Depending on how much coffee you drink and how many filters you go through in a year, it could save you in the long run.

@IphtashuFitz: I was just thinking this was our redemption. Now we can all forget about Light Bright since Denver felt compelled to bomb R.O.B.