
@Timmy: You'd be surprised how much grassroot protests like this one can actually effect change. And considering how much bad press TSA has received over their new policies, they'd actually have to be actively avoiding any media outlet to not realize that that is exactly what this is.

@zapan: Must check this book out. Commenting so I can remember! Thanks!

Meh, yet another thing I'm not missing since I canceled my cable.

@Java-Princess: Mostly 1. I've have several friends who work all over the airport (baggage handlers to pilots) and the one thing they all agree on is the absolute incompetency of TSA employees. Maybe if they hired people capable of doing the job, the public humiliations wouldn't be necessary.

@Etoiles: So true. I thank God everyday that no one was broadcasting my 16-year-old stupidity on a national scale. On the other hand - and, yes, I know I'm part of the problem by reading and commenting on this story - I hate the fact that months after resigning as Mayor of Alaska, and 2 years after losing the

You have to feel bad for the younger Palins — they didn't ask for their notoriety, and though the financial and publicity benefits are copious, it probably doesn't make up for that glaring spotlight and the fact that they're made to answer for their mom's choices.

To be honest, I was always surprised the WB didn't create some Beatlejuicesque Saturday morning cartoon called Hogwarts which would just be about the random, non-canon adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione. Every now and then there'd be a mention of Voldemort, but really Draco and Slytherin's would be the villains,

@MorningCoffeeMeow: I completely agree and see where you're coming from. But I also think Kurt felt violated. Chris did such a good job with this scene, you can totally see in his eyes that he's more horrified by this kiss than if the guy had punched him.

@vamvaki_poulaki: I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who though "a fun, frisky use of color"!

I can just see the activists groups getting up in arms about this one: "Violent video game commercial blurs lines between fantasy and reality. Proves video games program our youth to be killers!"

@Vaddix: it's dlc on the Wii.

@izzipili: Agree. The reason she's dancing with the stars now is that her mother isn't a politician anymore. If she was still phoning it in to Alaska, no dancey-dance for Bristol.

@Norton: I like to think we're only the enemy of "Real Americans" (TM) (R) (C).

The many writers and commenters who talk so passionately about body and self-acceptance are one of my favorite things about this blog. I really admire you because, quite frankly, I'm fat and I'm not happy about it. I don't like the way I look or feel, and I keep reading articles and all your comments because as

@Alohamaid: The only thing that could have made this better was them stepping out into traffic at the end, but they don't have enough compassion or self-awareness to realize what a favor to humanity that would be.

Oh Lord, woman. Despite popular opinion (among '90s pre-teens) Pinky and The Brain is NOT a good source for current information on scientific breakthroughs.

@engtech: Read the wiki, but it appears to be a retelling of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. You know, just like godawful Harper's Island but with Satan instead of a family of serial killers. :)

@BobbinBrain: Now why couldn't we have got that instead of the prequels? Sounds massively more entertaining to me. :)

@BobbinBrain: Because if there's one thing Star Wars lacks, it's melodrama.