
that puppy is CHILL

Mad props for the underwater part! I could watch these videos all day!

High schools are getting creative. In my senior year, we did a banner. It said "Go Rams." We drew a ram outlined in glitter. You would not believe how impressed all the teachers were by that.

I LOVE how so many different students are involved. This is great!

Now playing

That was cute. . . this one is still my fave!

Oh hell yes. I loved that first season like mad and then whomp whomp down the crapper it went.

Lmao that drake gif is #everything

That, and that the original Heroes sucked out loud after the first season.

I read this title as, "Maya Rudolph has an Airdale!" and, for a brief second, was irrationally excited.

No idea what I'm talking about? Then this puppy pic is gonna seem extra random.

See, it's ok for women like Jen Selter to have big butts because the rest of her body is tiny. When people say that it's aesthetically pleasing for any part of a woman to be big what they actually mean is "it's aesthetically pleasing for women to have virtually no fat on their bodies anywhere other than that one

Oh yeah I've been to a place like that, it's called "work". Damned savages and their diseases.

"another (white) woman who has the means to do nothing but self promote gets famous."

It's two cheeks if you see the far left is out more but the color teal makes it look all solid

Meh... "Buxom" and "curvy" and myriad other terms have long been used as objectifying praise for women with big asses dating back to Marilyn and before; it was just more polite. But far be it for me to get between someone and their "I've been appropriated!" poutrage.

I love Southwest. Their employees are generally nice, warm and occasionally funny. They let you check two bags for free! AND they give you pretzels or peanuts (American, I'm looking at you....)

Actually, I've found that the few times I've had issues with airlines, Twitter is the only way to get an actual response in a timely fashion. I spent weeks emailing and calling United Customer service a few summers ago over something that was totally a fuck up on their end—- never so much as a response. I send out one

A lot of companies actually do handle or refer compaints via Twitter. Most of the major airlines do, too. I mean, they can't rebook you via Twitter or anything, but they often will reply with links/phone numbers to the right places.

You know, I saw the NSF tag, and I still wasn't prepared for that photo.HOW DOES ONE TWEET THAT ACCIDENTALLY?!?! Somebody's getting all kinds of fired.

A cunt-n-paste mix-up.

1. Take embarrassing selfie