
And then talk about the friend that got lost in the woods and her body was never found. How as they grew old they collected paintings from the Group of Seven, but mostly Tom Thompson, because they were certain their friend’s body was hidden in the great symbol of national identity and dissolved to come part of it.

Drown a weird kid and now it’s Alice Munro!

And the girls at some point need to burn feminine hygiene products in the fire.

And the girls at some point need to burn feminine hygiene products in the fire.

Anyone that mentions “ Atwood short story” is my automatic friend!

Working in Toronto at the Royal Ontario Museum (which — being an Old, here — I actually did in 198-mumble). And loons. There’d have to be some loons on the lake, too.

When my baby began to die during my labor, within seven minutes of the fetal monitor indicating her distress, he had me stretched out on an operating table and delivered of a healthy newborn. Still, my friends kept talking about their beautiful experiences in birthing centers, in pools in their own living rooms, the

I don’t think I’m implying that it’s unforeseeable or a Great American Tragedy, but it is both stressful and surprising, so I’m not sure I completely understand the tenor of your response. Weddings are huge events that cost a lot of money and come wrapped up with a ton of emotions; having to change a major facet of

You must be lovely at parties.

“over 20 degrees hotter than it usually is this time of year in my town”

Oh my goodness! Chemical reactions, you say?!

Peer reviewed research to support all of this or it didn’t happen.

That is not ironic.

We are not even moderately rich...but look what my husband did! A local college library replaced their bookshelves, and he bought the old ones and built a library in our house!!! It’s the first time in our lives that we have more shelf space than books. It’s wonderful. (The whole room is full of bookshelves but this

It’s still pretty funny to imagine a person getting fired from Grey’s for hooking up with an intern.

I posted the following in a similar thread.

Maybe you unconsciously keep yourself at a distance from those who would like to get to know you better and vice versa? I don’t know. If the problem is not finding like-minded people at work, then maybe it might be fun to go to certain non-work social events like classes, volunteering events, etc.? As a pretty shy

Not really, once you look at the studies comparing siblings raised together, but not fed the same way. Your kids are probably just fine, and hers likely won't be, but not because of how they're fed. I just think it's important not to lump breastfeeding in with all the things that are *necessary* to bring up healthy

they can only dream of being rubbed all over a body