So I grew up in a pretty small town. Usually a safe bet that at any gathering of more than, say... 15? people, someone would know either me personally or know my parents quite well.
So I grew up in a pretty small town. Usually a safe bet that at any gathering of more than, say... 15? people, someone would know either me personally or know my parents quite well.
It'd make more sense to just send them out here to BC - our French population is so so tiny, and most of us can barely remember French 10, the error would go completely unnoticed...
Don't know where you are, but if you're in Canada, I can tell you that the hubs came home with Oprah quotes on our Starbucks cups, so Canada is probably getting this too...
Yeah, I deleted my (already defunct) wedding board when they brought that feature on. I don't want to see 1000 pins about wedding cakes; I got married 3 months ago, and hadn't pinned to that board in 6!
Oh man, this is such a good idea, I wish I had thought of that before deleting my wedding board in a huff after Pinterest stopped showing me anything BUT wedding shit. Their new "related pins" feature is awful.
Oh, that's what you want. I've had some rotten luck with mainly getting contracts when someone is taking a mat leave or sabbatical, but the school I've been at has been really great about keeping me around in some capacity. I'm currently splitting my time between the library and the English department, which is really…
First off, congratulations! Exciting to get such a promising offer! And it's great that the pay is so strong. A lot of privates are at par with the public system, or sometimes even a little lower (but with trade-offs that come in the form of smaller class sizes, fewer preps, etc)...
It sounds like there are a lot of really great positives - fewer preps? Awesome. More pay? Awesome. Less standardized testing? Awesome plus.
Completely agree. I'm in a ridiculous wedding in two weeks where the bride is making the party where champagne coloured silk and doing family style BBQ with all the fixins, limited chairs and mostly cocktail height tables.
I wish this didn't have the ring of truth to it...
Awesome. My tenth graders are struggling with the definition of irony (thanks Alanis! Or, more specifically, thanks shitty middle school teacher that played them that stupid song to explain irony, as they never would have dug up mid-90s music on their own...) and I love bringing them real world examples of it.
This B guy sounds like a piece of work. I'm sorry that he's making your first year away from home more stressful, and negatively impacting your academic experience.
Yeah, I second buffydoesn'tlivehereanymore on this one. For whatever reason, they're filling out an interview dance card, and your resume reads like someone they'd legitimately want to hire if they didn't have someone in mind, so they scheduled you for an interview, but want the interview process over asap.…
Yes. Completely, utterly, and oh-so-hard. Right in the face.
Yikes, 4:4 is the worst.
Since she's already being offered the position, I would imagine she has some teaching experience under her belt. And, as the newbie in the department, she'd probably be getting the intro courses, which are the ones she's a) most likely to have taught before and b) consistent year to year.
"3 new preps" usually means "3 new courses I have to prep an outline and materials for" NOT "only 3 classes." For example, my last full-time teaching load consisted of 4 courses. However, since I was teaching 2 blocks of English 12 and 2 blocks of English 10, I only had 2 preps. And she's only asking for "3 new preps"…
They're the Arizona of Canada, in that they're the only province smart enough to have figured this out. Move anywhere besides Saskatchewan, and you'll be suffering under the wrath of the springing forward clock...
I was totally on board with Owen and Christina until he lost it at her in the back room at a party (I want to say it was Zola's birthday) and screamed at her about how it was his baby too and how dare she, blah blah blah. I don't disagree that he had a right to be upset, but that high volume shaming of her in front of…
Oh, oh man, yeah, give yourself some time to adjust to being back. I thought it was like a month or two ago, which would still be a normal span of time to still be thinking of the old flame. But 48 hours? yeah, that'll still be lingering. Just because we are fully committed to our current relationships (and if you're…