
I actually was back in the ‘80s, mostly because the Saints sucked and I bandwagoned on to the Niners so I’d have someone to root for in the playoffs. I kinda held on until that last MNF game for Steve Young, then I was done with them and went full Saints starting with the end of the Ditka era.

I love the Go Niners! at the end. Wonder if he knows Coach O?

“’1st pick here we come’? ... Not if I can help it.” - Eli

Is it weird that Erin Andrews mentioned he’d been verified on Twitter as a means of congratulation, or am I that far out of the loop?

How about firing fucking Jason Witten and just replacing him with Booger?

If you sit between the 30s at the second level and above, your view will be fine. I actually prefer sitting in the “nosebleeds” because you can easily see the entire field. 

Attach Booger to a giant harness with the Sky Cam and have him fly around the top of the stadium, shrieking his insights about what the Mike did on that last pass protection, as he soars 20 feet off the ground around the field at a blinding velocity.

Two Mondays ago, the Giants’ License Plate Guy was fed up:

The Kavanaugh confirmation has showed me there is no such thing as a moderate Republican.

Even when they aren’t good enough to make the playoffs, the rest of the division collapses and they still make it. I remember the first time Rodgers broke his collarbone. The Lions had to win something like 1 of their last 6 games to clinch the division and failed. The Bears should have won the division but they

A plausible explanation? Okay. He got drunk, did bad things to her, and had no memory of it later because he was drunk at the time. And instead of considering this possibility, he’s lied about and misrepresented the type of person he was, he’s lied or remained deliberately vague about the stances he has on various

Because in their eyes he’s entitled to this position, so if he doesn’t get it, the career path he deserves is gone forever. Hence, his life is ruined.

Albert has it exactly right.

I can’t help but think the Lindsey Graham shitshow that went down after Ford’s testimony was the result of him being forced to listen. He’s never had to listen before. And he found the experience unpleasant. So he lashed out like an angry child.

It’s cute how Kavanaugh says that because he’s been successful and prominent in his chosen profession, there’s no way he could’ve done any of these heinous things he’s being accused of. He's conveniently leaving out the fact that a lot of heinous shit has been overlooked or excused when a bunch of rich old white guys

Yeah fuck those players. They can go be gainfully unemployed the rest of their lives and walk funny. Losers should’ve learned to throw a ball.

At least he won’t be able to kneel for the anthem for a few weeks. 

But you see, tattgate involved the semblance of players profiting off their labor, which must be prevented at all costs. This is just some kid dying so who cares. 

“A kid died as a direct result of these coaches running him in dangerous heat and refusing him medical attention until he boiled in his own skin. But negligent homicide? Manslaughter? Good heavens, no. Institutions are corrupt and that’s the way it’s always been done, so how can we really say that they’re

“...because the head athletic trainer thought drowning was a concern—a decision that might have been a major turning point for the chances of McNair’s survival.”