
Second greatest achievement: the time she chose between the li’l Gucci dress, the li’l Gucci dress, or the li’l Gucci dress. [POPSUGAR]

You just said yourself that given the option of taking a cab versus Uber you would choose Uber 100x over yet are upset that she doesn’t mention cabs? Why, because your feelings got hurt?

Odd capitalization by Martha. 😬

In my experience, this is absolutely true. I don’t work out but when I do I feel like it needs to be “intense” so I work out hard but end up exhausted and sore for the next several days killing my motivation to work out again. Finding a balance is important.

These packing tips are great. My family likes to take a vacation every year so my boyfriend and I usually just share a small luggage bag by using these types of tips. Now if only I could get the rest of my family on board. (I’m looking at you parental units!) :ob

The .gif posted just above your comment is a nice compliment to your question.

The video is worth watching.

Austin, TX resident here. Riding an animal on a public street appears to be perfectly legal within the city of Austin (more specifically downtown and the surrounding area). Last week, I saw two people riding their horses down the sidewalk. During the weekends, we have police on horse patrolling 6th street.

Hold your cards folks, we have a winner!

I love everything about this comment, especially the end. Haha



No kidding! That one stood out to me too. Here's what it says:

Why would that be surprising?

Those fees can be ridiculous. I've paid rent using my debit card before and the "convenience fee" was nearly $40! Bank drafts are the way to go in my opinion. Might take a day or two to come out but no stupid fees to deal with.

I'm surprised Apple isn't listed on here.

No English version but here's from Google Translate

I am sorry to hear that you are having a shitty week, and that this next week makes up for it.

Is it still considered a "double dip" if I flip the stick over and use the uneaten end? :o) I avoid doing so in the company of others when sharing a veggie tray, etc. If it's my partner and I, he doesn't care about double dipping.

This is a great idea; totally adopting it. :oD