
Uh, it looks mighty familiar....

Very nice, except that, the wrench skunking up the whole affair are carriers, limited data plans, caps, and high data costs.

I also don't 'get it' as far as, how can that ever become a viable business?


Everything looks pretty great...except for the Twitter integration.

So is the Atrix 2 going to be able to Skype video call? I know the first one can't, or at least, not properly without major bugs.

I think the situation, as far as consumer sales on the ground, is clear enough now that we can make a broad generalization:

"...you're basically saying that company's should take a loss just to ship them out the door."

Maybe, maybe not. That's what people said about the carriers, prior to the first iPhone; now the carriers are effectively Cupertino's *itches.

Safe bet: Apple TV becomes a full blown TV, possibly in partnership with Sharp or LG providing the panels and manufacturing, integrating the current Apple TV unit into the chassis.

Oh, God, that ringtone is fracking awful. I guess I'm never buying another Nokia, if I have to submit my poor ears to that auditory nonsense.

You ever hear of data caps? The low end is 200 mbs. What if some don't want to pay for more? Or if you hit a 2 GB cap?

The negative for these Windows Phones, even the upcoming ones, that I've seen seems to be lackluster hardware. I'm not referring to the processor as much as I am to no sleek, sexy, exterior that isn't plasticky, the lack of sufficient internal storage—-they all seem to top out at 16GB—-, meh cameras and no, so far,


Because the iPhones sell pallets worth of product, maybe? Sure it may not be original, but it's most definitely a hugely popular commercial blockbuster product.

I understand Nokia is a big deal in Europe and Asia, but why should users on At&T care about a Nokia Windows Phone?

Well, in an economy with a distinct lack of growth and employment, he created lots of wealth and jobs.

'Pirates' is actually a pretty good made-for-TV movie, but I'm assuming that some big studio or producer has already optioned or planning to adapt the coming Steve Jobs biography showing up on bookstore shelves this Fall, into a more glossy Hollywood big screen version, likely a Spielberg or Ron Howard film.

I like Windows Phone, but if Microsoft is counting on Nokia to elevate it in the 'lust worthy' segment, well, they may be in for disappointment.

That's actually a pretty good philosophy, for business and personal life——shouldn't it be? Reaching for the best?