
All that said, it sucks being unemployed in this economy a whole lot more. You get to appreciate a steady paycheck once you start worrying how you're going to make rent.

More like: you're standing on the other end of a moving train, riding on a box car ladder.

Usually, from what I hear, but not in the NY area, where I am.

Yeah, I'm thinking that Samsung, LG and HTC won't be too high on this development.

I used to work for a freight rail road, until I was laid off recently (yes, a victim of the crappy economy), and much of their communications gear, including walkie talkies, were made by Motorola.

No matter how much we hate it, the merger is going to happen.

Of course the AT&T merger with T-Mobile is extremely consumer un-friendly: you're going from a sort-of competitive market, to effectively, a duopoly (once these two merge, it's only a matter of time before Verizon swallows up Sprint).

I disagree.

The movie is actually not bad, with some very good sequences (the terrorist sabotage bomb scene is great suspense cinema) but it has a terrible cop-out finale.

Well, it depends on the level of interaction and the environment.

But the ultimate question is: do they solve the dead-eyed-zombie-Uncanny-Valley thing?

As someone who shot some Super 8 films as a kid, and was a pint sized wanna-be Spielberg at a young age, that looks pretty close, but not totally accurate.

Wal-Mart having a digital download MP3 store never really made a lick of sense.

I do, only occasionally, for the really good stuff.

I wonder what's going to be MORE annoying on Facebook: ads, or Chicken-Soup-for-the-Soul type inspirational one-liners from people you barely know?

RIM reminds me a lot of Nokia these days, without the Finns' move to Windows Phone/obscurity.

I'd like to see Emma Stone over Amy Adams too. Wanna be the ham in that sandwich!

Oof. That's a pretty awful way to go, especially in front of your family.

Unless Christopher Nolan steps out of his Producer shoes and actually shadow-directs this, then I'm not convinced.

As other have mentioned, let's keep expectations in check.