
...eh..what, sorry, magnets you say? Science?

Although Apple will survive and do fine without Jobs at the helm, there's no way they're the same company. It's similar to how Microsoft is a shadow of its former self without Bill Gates.

@Rob Shortley: Funnily enough, many professional writers swear by WordPerfect.

Well, I know this is Gizmodo, a gadget blog, but as an amateur screenwriter and aspiring novelist, the perfect traveling writing machine for me is any Uniball rollerball pen and a hard backed steno pad.

@joeCommenter: I love Apple products, but yeah, their stuff is expensive, in the high-end premium category.

@cinnamonster: You mean the new processors with built in DRM? Yeah, no thanks; I'd rather use something slower but that doesn't turn my PC into an Intel-managed set top box.

@cinnamonster: Yeah, but isn't the problem with Sandy Bridge that Intel implented hardware level DRM into the chip? You can't stream unlicensed content and you can't rip DVD any more right? That's how I understand it.

@FritzLaurel: Me neither. Though I would think it's wrong if it happened to some other kid.

So....it's the second coming of Windows Mobile, except glow-ier? Really, Microsoft?

@NothingUnknown: Not directly, no, but one friend that moonlights as a DJ in clubs around Brooklyn wouldn't trade in his Macbook Pro for anything. I know it's something about that they never have to worry about any crashes or error messages during a gig.

@holy holes batman: Agreed. Win7 tablets are just netbooks with the keyboards sawed off.

@davepermen: Honestly, I know a few musicians, and almost to a man, they swear by Macs.

@MifuneT: I sincerely don't understand what all you guys are talking about.

@SSRPaulO: Why not just use a laptop? Nobody's going to make a 10-15 inch tablet.

Ugh, I hate the design. Would drive me crazy on a day to day basis just looking at the thing, even turned off.

I'd get one if it was priced anything at all like the Nook Color, carrier unlocked.

Toshiba, just stick to chip fabrication, hard drives, DVD players and Qosmio laptops.

What Tron Legacy really needed was a better screenplay.