
I’m glad she found a good writer to work with her on this. I’ve long gotten the sense from her social media that she has a lot to say, but struggles to put it into words. That’s a common enough affliction even among those of us who had a normal amount of time and attention to devote to high school English classes.

The absolute best JT could hope for is to say “I was a spoiled rich asshole at the time and I’ve grown over the years. I would never do or say things now that I did and said then.” ... and hope that he is mostly forgiven for it.

Am I the only one who finds this particular union utterly uninspired?

Wear a carboard submarine around your waist and have a Logitech controller in your hands? Too soon?

Line starts on the left . . . .

Yeah, I don’t know when an intervention becomes a kidnap? If you had the resources to rescue/kidnap a kid from a bad situation wouldn’t you do it? I know you can take a horse to water etc etc, but if I thought my kid was heading back into a bad place I’d probably force them into rehab, too.

She can kidnap me.  I’d love to live in her fabulous world.

The real plot twist would be if Sandra’s daughter hated her and was like, “Please, skip my wedding. I don’t want you there anyway.”

Are you trying to be offended for her? Or are you offended?

What’s up with Kim Kardashian telling daughter North that the Palestinian flag is actually the Brazilian flag?

Her look is intentional though. It is not a picture taken at an importune moment which paints her in a bad light. She enthusiastically chose that presentation.

I’m really tempted to read the memoir, but it’s going to be so difficult not to be taken out of the whole thing by the polished prose of whoever the ghostwriter is. To go back and forth between the book saying “The disappointments in my romantic life were just one part of how isolated I became,” and then flipping over

I’m going to take a WAG and assume the lack of ghostwriter and editor was an attempt by her publisher to limit expenses and thus potential losses from this effort to cash in before people forget who she is.

She really should have hired a ghostwriter - that sounds like it could have been a compelling, raw memoir instead of this rambling, crazy shit that occasionally gets pretty raw (the stuff about her childhood sounds brutal).

Perfect for all your coke snorting needs!

there will be enormous challenges in reaching volume production with the Cybertruck

What the fuck is that dashboard supposed to be? An 80s bathroom vanity?

Elon lives on a blanket of lies and people just wait for the next one. 

I’ve slow-read Gawker articles for years and haven’t retained anything.

Or just use ChatGPT to summarize and explain for you. This way, you’ll be sure to have carefully read the entire article in order to spot any hallucinations, omissions and lies that ChatGPT will often insert into its response.