
Here is a bit of a technical question.

Of course it’s not a straight line, but it’s onward nonetheless.

Neither Grimes nor Musk are American.  America is guilty of many things but I’m not taking the fall for this travesty.

Even that’s a midwit take.  Throughout history there has always been an ebb and flow, and the cycle of “intellectual elites” vs. “unwashed beknighted masses” has played itself out time and time again.  Civilization continues to march on regardless.

“He really wants smart people to have kids...”

I can sympathize if the driving force here is the well-being of her non-striking employees. WGA owns the decision to strike (a decision I agree with and support them on) but there are other production personnel impacted who had nothing to do with the decision.

The funny thing is that there is no more perfect an example for the midwit graph meme than people who are paranoid about Idiocracy becoming real, or people who think that Flagpole Sitta was erudite social commentary.

If he was really smart, he’d have 3 kids with 5 women. 

Few things would make me question someone’s intelligence faster than learning they were part of Musk’s weird legion of followers.

Also...nothing about Grimes screams “smart.”

My cousin must be very smart. He has five kids with three women.

Sure Drew, whatever you need to do to convince yourself you’re not a scab.

“He really wants smart people to have kids...”

Agreed.  This is 100% a “we’re sorry we got caught” apology.  Which is really too bad, because I’ve always liked Kunis.  Kutcher seems like a douchy frat bro, but Mila seemed nice.

So Drew is hurting financially is what I learned from this article.

Kutcher and Kunis live in a very different reality where they don’t think through the potential harm to others their actions take. (If what Demi Moore wrote about Kutcher is accurate, he’s not a good person.)

Kunis and Kutcher are only upset because the letter were released. Which they should have known would happen since anything filed with the court can be made public.

Let’s not conflate expecting friends to “immediately denounce” those who do bad things with expecting them to refrain from making public statements discrediting the victims. I know there are those who expect the former as well, but there is a distinction worth making here.

I was into Marvel comics as a kid and watched all things Marvel up to Endgame, then it became too much and between work, parenting and having a social life I’ve had to pick and choose what I’m going to watch. 

You lost me at Phase 4*