I didn’t react that way because I don’t think chess is a big deal, I reacted like that because how the fuck are trans people a threat to chess?
I didn’t react that way because I don’t think chess is a big deal, I reacted like that because how the fuck are trans people a threat to chess?
Damn. Hittin me with facts. Facts got hands.
I often see people on social media (outlets and commentators both, though outlets tend to be more diplomatic,) question whether Spears should ever have been released from any and all forms of conservatorship because she seems unhinged and messy... but the fact is that she doesn’t seem to be directly hurting herself or…
Yeah, make the appellate court’s job super-easy by citing something applicable only to criminal sentences in this civil matter.
While he might not pay the whole thing, he’ll definitely have to pay a penny. Judgments owed based on intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. So if he does get a job, his wages will be garnished, if he opens a bank account, those funds will be turned over to D.L., if he ever is owed a tax refund, that…
This statement really killed me. Besides the fact that Bullock isn’t responsible for the real life actions of people AFTER she played them in a film...WHAT THE ACTUAL F?
I love her.
Truly GOD DAMN brilliant - the petty, the beautiful beautiful petty of it all.
Yeah, if she’d left Mississippi to get an abortion, you can bet he and every state agency would be feverishly going after her, her family, and other “abortion-traffickers” who helped her.
It is no exaggeration to say that the police and law in Mississippi are far more concerned about the possible abortion than the definite child rape.
This is INSANE. There is a ton of evidence right there. If the suspect is the father, BOOM rape solved, there’s no issue of consent when a 13 year old is involved, so all you’d need to prove undeniable guilt is the DNA. Why wouldn’t the police department want to add another solved case to their tally? It’s a slam…
Forget the fucking rape (I mean don’t, but...). About to start SEVENTH GRADE and we can’t all agree that maybe she shouldn’t be forced to have a baby? Anyone’s baby? I remember starting seventh grade I had to make a deep and personal decision about which Trapper Keeper to buy, and I sweated that decision hard...because…
“The local police chief shrugged off the delayed action when pressed about it: “It’s a pretty high priority, as a juvenile,” he told Time, but “sometimes they slip a little bit because we’ve got a lot going on, but then they come back to it.””
It hardly needs to be said, but fuck you, chief.
Just another day in Gilead. The GOP doesn’t care. The anti-abortion folks will murmer “something something” and look away. The cops won’t lift a finger. The law is confusingly written on purpose.
She didn’t report on what people are saying on the internet. She linked to other people who were reporting on it, and provided no relevant new information or insight. The bar for journalism is not just “writing that makes reference to current events” - there has to be some value-add.
I wouldn’t want to live in North Korea or Afghanistan. For similar reasons, I wouldn’t spend a nickel in or reside in the South.
In other news, calls for Ralph Fiennes to be tried in the Hague for war crimes for his role as Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List have reached a fever pitch.
Funny, innit?
No one is asking Tim McGraw to make a statement even though he played the husband who is just as a greedy and awful.
It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say she had nothing to do with this. She got a script, was given a role, and performed it well. Why assume otherwise without a shred of evidence? What exactly did you learn as a student of journalism?