Rule of law is for poor people.
Rule of law is for poor people.
Us non-management corporate peons can’t even accept a lunch from a vendor over 25 dollars now, but this is fine.
Everyone Is Obsessed With Sofia Richie’s Wedding
Except that a big part of the issue is that they DON’T have to recuse themselves.
Justice Neil Gorsuch, nominated by Donald Trump in 2017 to a stolen seat
Man, if you’re concerned about family business schemes and influence, let me tell you about the previous guy, who’s daughter and son-in-law made millions in their “official” roles, not to mention the Big Guy himself, who also made millions from his company, because they would constantly stay at his company’s hotels.
Trump isn’t Commander in Chief anymore.
“I’m way more concerned about the commander-in-chief and his decades long pay to play/influence family business schemes with his coke snorting prostitute lovin son.”
He looks like he’s going to fall asleep in that first photo. Makes me think of Prince Vallium from Spaceballs.
She’s obviously gorgeous and I’m probably in the minority here, but I really don’t care for the dress. It’s boring. And I hate the veil (but I hate almost all veils).
Can they even make them testify? The Senate Judiciary Committee recently requested that Roberts or a Justice of his choosing appear before them, but what mechanism would Congress have to compel one of them to show up?
Lol, no you aren’t. You don’t give two shits about corruption. You just don’t like the side you hate gets away with doing the same things. You don’t need to defend the actions of the elites, ya fuckin’ dweeb. They don’t know you exist.
The Democrats have slimmest of majorities in the Senate. They could make these dopes testify, but other than airing out their dirty laundry, I’m not sure what else could be done.
The day I learned I was not part of everyone...
See also: the Matthew Perry update on Keanu Reeves that no one was asking for.
I think it was just a poorly executed joke, hence it not being funny or making sense.
“I’m really sorry for all the negative attention this has caused, so I’d like to go ahead and put it back in the news.”
I like that someone on Perry’s team is going through the motions, hoping they’ll be another printing.