Jim Hague

I will say this regarding the passage of Leonard Nimoy:

Diamond's work is highly-suspect, precisely because he's utterly Eurocentric and utterly blind to exactly how much moralism and racism has affected the dreams of European empire.

Seriously, people. You can use Google and 30 seconds to find out exactly, precisely how infectious that specific strain of the plague is.

"He said it is falsely believed the plague, which still exists in parts of Africa and Asia, is highly infectious and so spread like wild fire during the dark ages." - says the alleged tree scientist with zero experience or credentials in epidemiology with a comet fetish.

It is both the best of Conan (Momoa nails the character) and the worst of Conan (wretched plot, wonky pacing, Hyborian RV).

Arnold, to be clear, is a perfectly good lead in a great movie; he's just not Conan. Momoa delivers the Conan, but Nispel's movie is shit, because Nispel has an awful story, a flat character arc, and thinks a Hyborian RV made of woolly mammoths and a pirate boat is a good idea.

Momoa's Conan was the best depiction, despite Marcus Nispel making a turd of a movie.

And therein lies the issue - movie Conan isn't a coherent character. He's little bits and pieces from the stories mixed with an utterly generic sword and sandal plot and inexplicable 'origin story.' Valeria as portrayed in the movie bears no resemblance to Valeria in Red Nails. And consorting with sorcerers? Not on

You do realize that Conan existed before the Marvel comics, right? That there's a whole gang of short stories written by Robert E. Howard out there?

Finn? Oh, man, you're gonna have your hands full. He's a hoot.

Yeah, no. The character in the movie bears little resemblance to the character in REH's stories. He's an idiot, for one. Schwarzenegger was the wrong guy to cast. The story is a hot mess, even after extensive script doctoring.

Fun movie, terrible adaptation by a bunch of guys that didn't understand the source material at all.

Check Toren's posts. He's all about how the White Man is soooo oppressed. Why can't we give the White Man a break?

Ah, evo psych, the new phrenology.

Has anyone mentioned the book where Mack Bolan takes on the Cult of Cthulhu (Leviathan)?

You don't mention West End's line of books at all, which strikes me as odd, since they, not comics or movies, were primarily responsible for explaining and expanding a lot of the EU before Zahn's trilogy.

I'd rather have something that's actually scary over (for example) season 1, which opened with a bunch of cliches that might as well have been spliced together from stock footage and got worse from there.

What went wrong? The same thing that's been going wrong - the showrunner doesn't actually know what the word horror means as a genre, and instead thinks throwing gross, random, hackneyed shit at the viewers is it. From the ridiculous season 1 opener that might as well have been cut together from stock footage to

Remember Hurricane Katrina? Yeah. That will be happening everywhere. So no, it won't just be a few coastal cities.

Man, fuck MacArthur and the Dulles brothers. They engineered the coverup for 731 in the name of 'fighting Communism.' Of course, MacArthur also sent the goddamned Army out against homeless, unarmed veterans after WW1, so you're dealing with next-level bastardy.