
There is nothing that said this will never happen on this show. It was something Burger said to Mason (and I think it’s telling that Burger is the one who said it. I feel like he’s going to have to eat his words next season.) So, chill. 

Women were allowed to be jurors when men realized how shitty juror duty actually was.

He meant they were doing it continuously.

I keep thinking that she’s Catherine Keener about 20 years ago.

I can’t keep my eyes off of Juliet Rylance’s portrayal of Della on this show. It’s some magical combination of her husky voice and the fact that she’s the most professional and competent person in the room.  She’s got me entranced.  

Fuck me is right. Just watched it again and had the same reaction. A beautiful, beautiful moment.

That entire episode is one of the all-time greats. It wouldn’t have worked later on, after Sam and Diane started and broke off a relationship, that would’ve complicated things too much. Here Diane is being a friend who can only do so much but won’t stop doing it.

WKRP was (or had been; it got bounced around the schedule a lot) across from half of Little House which regularly trounced it in the ratings so that line was a lot more acid than it appears on first hearing.

Bailey was always hotter than Jennifer, just like Mary Ann > Ginger, and Betty >Wilma, etc.

It technically fits in here, and I have to mention it every time it's applicable..
I personally would consider it to be the real start of the modern age of comics and I think it's easily one of the greatest superhero comics ever written (and my personal favorite)