
Queen’s Gambit was 7 episodes, and that’s about the cutoff for binging. Longer than that and you have to separate into multiple nights (I did QG in two nights).

We also would have missed the chance to really “sit with” each episode.


I’m not a huge Metallica fan.

can someone familiar with the comics explain the significance of Agatha Harkness and what the implications might be for the MCU?

Wind River was wonderful.

I have to admit I found Darcy annoying in the first two Thor movies, where her character just seemed totally at odds with the tone while not being particularly funny.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if during that five years Darcy connected with Thor and he gave her a very depressing play-by-play of what happened during that battle as a drunken wallow.

See, I saw “Nexus” + “basement full of creepy vines” and thought “Nexus of All Realities” which would be a natural tie-in to the multiverse concept we’ve been speculating upon all season (in lead-in to the Doctor Strange movie.)

I always assumed Monica already had powers. I was very slow to realize that we were seeing her origin story.

...if it came out weekly. It would be buzzed about, theorized about, and even more popular as it stayed in the conversation for 2 months plus.

That Nexus shampoo ad was steering all of us longtime Marvelites toward our Man-Thing lore. “But wait, Westview is not in the Everglades...”

I loved those first few episodes.
(And all the others, too.)

You know what would be a fun conceit for a show? Have the “previously on” segment make absolutely no sense to regular viewers, because they’re actually scenes from a later episode.

So the chest x-ray is foretelling Monica as Photon, right?

Was wondering the same thing.

Also I never understood why Wanda got blamed for that. Not a perfect handling of the situation, but you know, it was a tough split second decision and shit happens. The suicide bomber she was trying to launch was the real culprit.

They *were* living together.
Er, travelling together.
Er, on the lam together.

Didn’t the post-Endgame Spider-man movie make a point of saying that there isn’t really anyone else right now?

As for the SWORD gang painting the situation in either black or white...