Jim Thomson

Yeah, they usually tape two separate shows for this reason. Kevin Smith had his heart attack between two tapings. 

I think “Gawker” should remove this advertainment. Reviews show that cats swallow the ball whole or in parts. I’ve posted this before but it was deleted because I guess commission in sales is more important. How do you sleep at night?

I think “Gawker” should remove this advertainment. Reviews show that cats swallow the ball whole or in parts. I’ve

Usually, I take Amazon comments with a grain of salt, but seeing photos of this toy that got lodged in a cat’s stomach is enough for me not to buy. Get the plastic springs instead if you want a sack of toys for $5 that your cat will love.

Usually, I take Amazon comments with a grain of salt, but seeing photos of this toy that got lodged in a cat’s

Sorry, I’m just now seeing this. They make dedicated razor blade scrapers for glass and they don’t scratch if you hold it at an angle. 

Interesting that Kevin mentioned Mike Judge. Judge has stated before that KItH stole this sketch from his Milton animated short submission.

Razor blade scraper to clean glass cooktop and glass oven window.

God Of War III is showing up as $20

God Of War III is showing up as $20

I have built a few of these on Pi’s and Android boxes but the controller lag is always a let down. Any recommendations or has the software?controller connection improved?

I agree with you completely. I receive more of an ‘open-face’ sandwich critique in my office which I like. I know some designers who work in an office that only services the ‘meat’. It is a mess there, no one feels self-worth and there is so much animosity between all the workers and the owner.

I’m in Portland, Or, very small city compared, so I haven’t experienced your type of terrain. You might try a more powerful antenna with more range. Exterior antenna or an attic style. http://www.channelmaster.com/Articles.asp?I…

Agree. Lifehackers guide (below), I found is better then those indoor leaf antennas that you can buy. I was trying to write for all parties, close or far from a broadcast transmitter. http://lifehacker.com/5919128/build-…

I work at a local broadcast station. I’m surprised by all the viewers that ask if over-the-air broadcasts are still available. Yes, and it is better quality then your cable provider — with the right antenna.

Ten cups. I recommend a burr grinder to go with it.

Ten cups. I recommend a burr grinder to go with it.

This is by far the best coffee maker I have ever used. The coffee is never bitter or burnt. I used to drink coffee with milk but black is all I need with this beast. The water is a perfect temperature for brewing and is delivered to the grounds in an even shower. I’m glad there is no heating element — if you really

This is by far the best coffee maker I have ever used. The coffee is never bitter or burnt. I used to drink coffee

A very thin layer of cream cheese (fat free) will work the same.

We saved a lot of money but it helps if both parties are agree on what you can make/do yourself. We didn't have a wedding planner but divvied out projects to friends and family that wanted to help. Spreading out the work was a huge help and actually a lot of fun.

Our cat is indoor only because of coyote problems in Portland, Oregon. We installed a door in the wall against the garage. On the other side is a bathroom vanity we pulled out of an old bathroom. The stinky litter and cats are contained in the cabinet and keeps the cats from roaming around the garage. I highly

I'm not against drinking, I actually have a gross, pumpkin beer right here on my desk as I write — but caloric intake and alcohol are so different. Sure there is calories in your beer or cocktail, but your body stops metabolizing for a cool hour per drink. In addition, if you drink heavy for a night, you are bound to

I find this is an issue with hallow, rubber earpiece on earbuds. Earbuds with memory foam are comfortable, no slip and no noise.

It is usually the antiperspirant that causes the stains. Do your body (and shirts) good by switching to regular deodorant and sprinkle TALC-free body powder on your pit after. This trick even works with Tom's deodorant.