I want Mads Mikkelsen as Doctor Doom, and I don’t care that he was already an MCU villain. Then they should age everybody else up to appropriately match Mads Mikkelsen, and make Johnny Sue’s son from a previous marriage instead of her brother, because nobody wants to see a guy in his 50s playing pranks on Ben Grimm.
The Charlie Brown Specials were the gateway to unconventional animation (many of the illustrators and animators were former UPA staffers), as well as allowing topics and moods which hadn’t been touched on in children’s television.
I'm going to probably be in the minority here, but I didn't get Once upon a time in hollywood. I didn't dislike it, but it felt empty to me. 2+ hours of nothing much happening, followed by five minutes of horrifying violence and then an uncomfortable ending. The detail was stunning but in hindsight countless scenes…
The world was saved because Gilfoyle trusted Dinesh.
<3 <3 <3
My favorite part was that when it came down to it, it was Gilfoyle who trusted Dinesh to do the right thing.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia
No shit. This is way more moving that the funeral scene.
Huh. I think I’d have much rather had that than the funeral scene.
If you were Rosario Dawson, why the fuck would you play anyone else?
oH FFS...guy makes a billion off of bullshit characters Ant Man and The Guardians and acts like he’s not stoked to suddenly have the crown jewels to play with?
I’ve said it before, but my dream scenario and a great way to integrate the FF would be to have them in 1961, go full-MadMen, with Reed as a brilliant…
It’s probably for the best. They need time to ready the spin-offs, like Chidi’s The Good Cooking Place and Jason’s Talking Bortles.
I’m gonna miss the show, but I’m glad it’s ending while it’s still fresh (hey I liked season 3).
Given how slavishly this show adapts almost every throwaway bit from the book, it’s actually kind of amazing that Gaiman skipped over the bit where a quartet of bikers decide to follow the horseman, dubbing themselves “Grievous Bodily Harm,” “Cruelty To Animals,” “Really Cool People,” and “Embarrassing Personal…
Will Gamera be featuring as one of the 17 monsters? As you all know, he is very neat, and filled with turtle meat.
And most of those people who try to kill him are always his friends acquaintances. From his best friend’s dad to his college professors. If you know Peter Parker for more than five minutes you will eventually become a supervillain.
That’s because Doom is a good guy who has the best interests of the world at heart.