
That’s nasty looking, dude looks like he’s got seat cushions for pecs.  Looks like they flip up to reveal a place you can store your remotes.

Frank is no longer DC’s most embarrassing Miller.

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

You played it so little that your opinion is uninformed and useless

So roughly 6 years after the first game. I hope it’s great, because that’s a long dev time for a sequel rougly using the same engine, world, assets, etc.

To this day, I still try to mimic Scott Hall’s toothpick flick. It’s just so effortlessly cool.

Yeah....I can’t say I’m at all interested in House of Dragon. I mean, the cast makes me slightly more interested but I’m not a fan of prequels in general and I’m kinda just burnt out on that brand of nihilistic view of fantasy

I think he and HBO are wildly overestimating how much anyone gives a shit about GoT anymore. Nobody cares if he finishes The Winds of Winter. Nobody cares about House of the Dragon. The only thing anyone has to say about the show now is what a disappointment and a waste of time it turned out to be. It's done. It's

To each their own. I really don’t like the HD-2D look. I think it’s usually garish, gimmicky, and distracting. I hate how weird and blocky everything looks. I really like how the pixel remasters look - it takes the original spritework, which looked beautiful on a CRT, and tries to simulate that. That, and the music is

And no matter what your brother’s friend claims, General Leo is gone...

Two things to remember: suplex the train and always, ALWAYS wait for Shadow!

One reason this show works so well is it isn’t in service of anything other than the story it is telling. it isn’t setting up a wider world. It doesn’t have to tie into any other shows. It has a story and purpose all it’s own. And Gunn actually understands TV, and story telling, and not stringing us along in a “it’s

I told my friends who had a toddler who didn’t want to go to the bathroom before bedtime that they should tell her she needed to feed the toilet monster before going to bed, otherwise it would climb out of the toilet at night and grab her.

Of course. Bedtime starts as soon as we’re done with dinner in the winter. It’s dark, clearly time to sleep. Summer is the real struggle. “But it’s not even dark outside!” Don’t care, still bedtime.

i hope you’re the only one. Id probably rather lick the third rail than go back to an office.

I’m a big fan of Gina Torres (Zoe from Firefly) and she has pointed out that she really only gets cast as “Black” and in Black films because, in her words, Hollywood prefers Latinas who look Italian.

So apparently the secret to making a good episode of a television show is to make it an episode of a different television show.

I do like how the series has slowly made it very clear that Station Eleven (the book) is not some masterpiece. It is just a remnant made important by it’s survival, which I suppose maps thematically onto the series as a whole. I don’t think the book capitalized on that aspect of the comic book all that much, but it’s

Cant believe that wasn't mentioned in the review, biggest belly laugh I've had in ages. And yeah this show is special

Jeevan hiding under a heat blanket, bleeding out in the snow, yelling at the graphic novel for being “so pretentious!” is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. This show has completely blown me away. That birth scene was so poignant that my eyes actually stung from tears.