
I’m an unreliable narrator, but I can’t remember ever having homework before 4th grade.

How else does one get on said fuck list if, say, one is probably extremely bad at baseball?

It’s been said already, but I admire your honor and class. Don’t forget to turn off the lights.

I mean, Steely Dan is undeniably great, but top 3? Above Sabbath, Queen, Zeppelin, and the Beach Boys?

Barry and Bo are givens.

I think Abrams ought to be a slam dunk for Biden, but I'm not sure she'd take it. If Biden gets the nod, she should start calculating her 2024 odds. 

Young black male. He's energetic and he could bring the Obama coalition on board.

As much as I like Castro, I think Booker is Warren’s VP pick.

I don’t know. I liked STP plenty back in the day, but as I get older, their music doesn’t seem to hold up as much as I would expect.

Also, I don’t think of them as a 90s band (but they WERE a band in the 90s), but man, who is more underrated than Heart? Heart rules.

I’m not in full agreement, but I won’t put up much of an argument when someone puts AIC & Soundgarden at the top, where they belong.

Naw man. Most underrated 90s band was definitely Alice in Chains. They were better than both Nirvana and Pearl Jam, but is always ranked 4th behind them and Soundgarden (who also fucking rocked).

When I was 22 or so, I thought Outlaw Golf was the most awesome game of its era. I wonder if it holds up.

I was definitely one of those idiots who watched the first season and thought “Hey, this is pretty good.” I must have become less of an idiot soon thereafter because I then saw season two and thought, “What the fuck was I thinking?”.

Could you explain what you mean here? I’ve been out of the fantasy reading scene for 10+ years (which is shameful), but I am a staunch Wheel of Time lover-turned-hater, so I’m curious as to what modern fantasy has Jordan’s footprints in it.

Enough already. It was funny the first time. It's not funny anymore. 

Oh, get fucked.


It’s a legitimate concern. Also a concern is that our city is struggling to keep its head above water financially because when we got a highway cutting through the heart of our city, those with the ability to leave all left. Our suburbs are brimming with wealth and highly rated public schools, while the city struggles

Excellent article Aaron.