
Is it amusing, though? The administration is telling a bald-faced lie and we’re supposed to chuckle (because we recognize the ludicrous lie), nod, and move along?

Not that I have any love for American Catholics, but are they really the big issue? Granted, their lalala *plugs ears* regarding the child sex stuff is demonic, but when it comes to the world at large, I kind of thought American White Evangelical religions carried lion’s share of the blame.

Take care, Emma. I’m actually going to log into the idiocy of Twitter now and then to keep up with where you all are landing.

Sorry, I had kids and haven’t paid much more than cursory attention to my formerly beloved video game world in several years. What’s the deal with Bethesda? Are they evil now?

My wife and I kept our own last names. When we decided to have kids, I was pretty adamant that I wanted them to take her name. My mother remarried when I was young (father and his whole family sucked/sucks) and I have no siblings, so I had no desire to pass my name on. Besides, I have an extremely common last name and

Not for us, certainly. But pop culture moves ever onward and eventually everyone becomes “classic”.

Ellie, I have no idea if you’re a good political reporter. But you are absolutely the most entertaining political reporter. Please never change.

Your Florida is showing, you well-meaning but inherently flawed human being.

Yeah, I grew up in heavily Catholic rural Central NY. My family is fairly above-average Catholic-y. Definitely all Republicans. But I think that’s more of a rural thing than a religion thing.

This is my city. I can say that the Caucasian people in the community are pretty outraged and the African-Americans are basically like “Yep, that sounds about right.”

There’s actually a lot to the story of how and why the IDC formed. Being that they formed because they claimed the downstate party leadership was corrupt... and then a couple years later, all those leaders went to jail for corruption... make of that what you will.

This is a good high-level report. Perez Williams has a pretty interesting history in Syracuse, especially recently.

To be transparent, I’m on the Democratic Committee in Onondaga County and I was one of the members who broke away to support the independent mayoral candidate who ran against and defeated Perez Williams

A: As much as I love him, I have a hard time believing Bryce would beat him. That district SUUUUUUCKS.

Ugh, that guy.

I think it’s more that Diesel seems like a prissy doofus and Johnson seems like a nice dude. Needling overly self-important people is amusing. At least that’s how I read it.

As someone whose State Senator is John DeFrancisco, who appears to have just narrowly lost the party nomination to run against Cuomo, I would honestly take a third term of Cuomo. And I HATE Cuomo.

Well, I think the Stories movies are the ones that they decided to take chances with. But, you know, not TOO big of chances. Regardless of it being a Stories vs Episode movie, there are still billions of dollars at stake. It sounds like the studio is more gunshy than they initially expected.

Also in Syracuse. I’ll take permanent DST please, thanks!

Honestly (and I’m a fantasy geek), I thought it was fine, a little dumb, but amusing. My wife liked it a lot, so we kept watching. This season (3, I think?) is the first one where I think it has become a legitimately good show. They’ve embraced the silliness and taken some interesting risks with the show (I LOVE that

I DID abandon the Walking Dead like 3 or 4 years ago. It felt great!