
You and I both.

I’m not an action movie aficionado (I enjoy them just fine, but I am by no means an authority), but holy crap, have I ever enjoyed this series and I have learned a TON. This is the good stuff.

Down in a Hole is better acoustic than the original. Also, Drew is a Philistinian oaf.

Star Wars Rebels and ESPECIALLY Star Wars: The Clone Wars absolutely redeemed the disappointing prequel films. Add Rogue One into the mix and yeah, the there is more than enough great content to outweigh the bad.

Final Fantasy 8 had an above average world and plot, mediocre characters, but is absolutely ruined by the draw system. I played through it once and vowed never again.

Depends. Has Gozilla been naughty? If so, RATTATATAT

Oh God, so horrible and apt.

Yeah. I haven’t been in the restaurant industry since high school but, boy, the backs of the restaurants aren’t exactly bastions of tolerance and progressive values. Very little would surprise me about any celebrity chef. The most surprising thing is that Batali got nailed before Fieri or Flay.

I always liked Mario as a TV chef, but that he is a groper is about the least surprising thing I suspect I’ll be reading today.

Jason, is this series still going? We’re just finishing the “universally beloved” (4-7, 9) era of Final Fantasy and are entering into the “mixed opinions” (8, 10-present) era which I am really interested in hearing your analysis of.

Thanks for the info. I think I’m going to buy Patchwork based on your post. I’d like something that I can play with my wife, but good 2-player board games are scarce.

Thanks for the info. I think I’m going to buy Patchwork based on your post. I’d like something that I can play with

I don’t know Burneko, but I get the impression that he’s the guy who puts the others to bed and yet still rolls into the office before the sun comes up reeking of cigarettes and gin from the night before. Basically, your Creed Bratton / Tom Waits hybrid.

I think all holidays with set dates should be moved to the Nth day of Nth week of the month. Having Independence Day on a Tuesday or Thursday is crap, only second to the horror of having it on a Wednesday. Just give us natural three-day weekends for holidays and don’t force us to burn one or more vacation days trying

Tom, just FYI, this article is missing the a-history-of-violence tag. I just went through each article with the tag, but this is the one I had to search for.

I have never had snow tires. Nor have I ever driven an AWD vehicle. Nor have I ever driven anything bigger than a 4-door sedan. Also, I live in Syracuse, NY.

Ok, to be fair, I don’t think you can compare the two situations. Franken’s accusation was accompanied by photographic evidence. Yes, McConnell is a snake, but this might be the first thing that he’s ever done that I have no issue with.

2020, I believe. Senate terms are 6 years, correct?

They should have just played Bad to the Bone and got it out of the way.

In the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal, but...

It appears that you are correct, sir!