
I am eagerly awaiting a Mario 64 esque hd, moddable, native widescreen PC port!

Just being able to have 60 fps support would be neat, but excited to see what comes out of this. Technically that’s possible on emulators, but comes with a number of issues that hopefully can be addressed with the actual code in place.

I uh.. mentioned all three of those as factors for its success. 

Relax guy, not everyone has a 4k TV or collects discs anymore

Why do you guys get so mad about the Series S

Why can’t it be both? Why assume everyone has the same needs and/or income to spend on gaming?

Can we just acknowledge how incredibly cool it is to release something like this? More of this, please, from all companies. 

I preordered this game and played it through the early access period. It is as bad as they say, performance and content wise. I have never asked for a refund before, but I had to for this game.

I do not play car games!

Really gotta give it to Microsoft for their foresight on all this. I remember people feeling cheated when Microsoft made all their console exclusives... not exclusive to consoles. And then including first-party games day-one on Game Pass was a big deal. And despite all this, they finally decided to not keep PC games

What don't you understand about personal preferences and taste? It's not rocket science. What's boring to.you is fun to someone else and vice versa. 

This is supposedly a pre-launch beta, so I’m not surprised they were all-hands-on-deck to fix something that had such a major backlash within the first 24 hours.

I’m not endorsing piracy, but honestly, shit like this is a major reason as to why piracy still exists.

I never would’ve known she existed if not for this site and it certainly doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 99% of her appeal is that she’s hot. Plain and simple. Nothing I’ve read in any of these articles about her has made it seem like she has any interesting talent(s) worth spending hours of time watching her

No one tell him Infinite is free

RIP Battlefield 2042.

He’s such a transparently mercenary piece of shit. I hope he drowns in oil. 

I had the pleasure of driving my friend’s MR back in... I don’t know, 08 I guess. Ridiculous fun. We would go to meets semi-regular and there’s is definitely not one of them that wasn’t run at the limit at least 60% of the time. They were hilarious cars. The STI sort of had a semblance of luxury and amenities. But the

The cops having arrested a bunch of members of a biker gang at the scene seems to lend this credibility.

Counterpoint, they are spending billions and billions of dollars on propaganda, literally buying politicians, and writing legislation to slow down or completely stop this transition.  So why is engaging them a good thing again?