
Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as dog walkers of fortune. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The A-Team.


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Or 11 things that are awesomely horrific about the oceans, we also messed up by not including anything about Greenland Sharks.

This is a really good troll article, whale to go.

#12: ‘flesh-eating bacteria’ has been found to naturally exist in practically all brackish and salt water bodies of water around the world.

All these critters and facts are just—cool and interesting. I grew up coastal northern Cali and we were raised with a dad who showed us everything as a great discovery below and above. Spiders, snakes, sharks, eels, whatever—none were presented as horrible or scary.  Odd looking or unusual creatures have just evolved

Sometimes the world just seems right.

Man what a night mare!

Every surface level road is a legal road for cyclists unless it’s specifically marked otherwise and you, as a driver, are the responsible party to avoid hitting them.

Even if the bikers were in the middle of the lane, it isn’t legal to run them over.  You have to wait for a legal area with clear and safe sight lines to pass.

Cops dont give a shit about cyclists or pedestrians example infinity. 

GM Is Using A Shuttered Microchip Plant To Store Thousands of Chipless Trucks

What? No, they’re charming and fun.

I’m getting some strange mid-90's Encarta Encyclopedia vibes that I can’t shake off.

Perhaps it's done this way because most civilizations send armies before they send settlers?

It’s a single player game. There’s no need to patch it.

This isn’t an exploit or trick, it’s part of the game’s extensive set of accessibility options. The setting could use a better description, but that’s an issue across a few settings, like aim assist not mentioning that it only affects controller.

- Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes, March 18, 1992

And this is why I’ll never have a car with no key entry/start. ‘Cause with a bit of technical knowhow and a moderately priced device someone can walk up and just take your vehicle. At least with a keyed ignition they’ll have to spend some time stealing it.